For 84 years chemists have suspected the conservation of angular momentum (CAM) had direct applications in chemistry.  December 22, 2011 saw Michigan State University (MSU) researchers first report that CAM in chemistry is in fact at work and the demonstration offers that scientists can use it to control and predict reactions in general.  This is […]

The 1999 Nobel prize in chemistry was awarded to Ahmed Zewail for his studies of chemical reactions using ultrashort laser pulses. Zewail was able to watch the motion of atoms and thus visualize transition states on the molecular level. Watching the dynamics of single electrons was still considered a dream at that time. Now a […]

Saving Platinum

July 2, 2010 | 5 Comments

Catalysts – substances that enable or speed up the rates of chemical reactions without themselves being chemically changed – are used to initiate virtually every industrial manufacturing process that involves chemistry. Metallic catalysts are the workhorses with platinum being one of the best. In industry catalysts typically operate under pressures ranging from millitorr to atmospheres, […]

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