Open Image…Save ImageOpen Image (using #TmpD/ia)… EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) researchers have used a genetic learning algorithm to identify optimal pitch profiles for the blades of vertical-axis wind turbines. Vertical-axis wind turbines with their high energy potential, have until now been vulnerable to strong gusts of wind. The explanatory open access paper has been published Nature Communications. When […]

Open Image…Save ImageOpen Image (using #TmpD/ia)… Danish researchers at Aarhus University have developed a chemical process that can disassemble the epoxy composite of wind turbine blades – and simultaneously extract intact glass fibers as well as one of the epoxy resin’s original building blocks in a high quality. The recovered materials could potentially be used in the production of new […]

Open Image…Save ImageOpen Image (using #TmpD/ia)… Nanyang Technological University scientists have developed a low-cost device that can harness energy from wind as gentle as a light breeze and store it as electricity. When exposed to winds with a velocity as low as two meters per second (m/s), the device can produce a voltage of three volts and generate electricity power […]

Both MIT and CalTech have press releases out explaining research that could increase wind turbine output by more than 1% up to 3%. The new technology is based on an algorithm that forces individual turbines to coordinate with the others thus boosting the total output. The new approach models the wind flow of the entire […]

An Iowa State University team is now working to develop strategies and controllers that would reenergize power grids dominated by wind power. When electric grids go down, there’s no way to restore them – ‘blackstart’ them – with power from wind turbines. In Iowa, wind turbines now produce 55% of the state’s electricity. It used […]

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