University of Southern California (USC) scientists have developed a rechargeable battery that is all organic and could be scaled up easily for use in power plants. The battery could make the energy grid more resilient and efficient by creating a large-scale means to store energy for use as needed. This level of battery sophistication could […]

The GoTek engine is actually quite simple and a puzzle when just looking at the line drawings. With a read of the patent it can be explained simply. GoTek Energy has their patent issued and the press, including some major media have noticed, including some of those line drawings to confuse folks. This is an […]

According to a study published in the journal Nature Climate Change concentrated solar power (CSP) could supply a substantial amount of current energy demand. The idea seems to be justify supplying a large fraction of the power supply in a decarbonized energy system. The naivety is simply stunning. There seems to be no sense left […]

Empa researchers have developed a photoelectrochemical cell made of cheap raw materials that recreates a moth’s eye to drastically increase its light collecting efficiency. World wide researchers are investigating solar cells using sunlight and water that imitate plant photosynthesis to create synthetic fuels such as hydrogen. The Empa cell is made of cheap raw materials […]

Norway is kicking off at full speed to develop drilling tools that will make it profitable to exploit true geothermal heat. The SINTEF Foundation at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology is leading a group of industrial and technology companies led by Alexandre Kane in a research project called Nextdrill. Kane, a research scientist […]

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