At The Threshold of New Kinds of Chemical Reactions
December 26, 2011 | 10 Comments
For 84 years chemists have suspected the conservation of angular momentum (CAM) had direct applications in chemistry. December 22, 2011 saw Michigan State University (MSU) researchers first report that CAM in chemistry is in fact at work and the demonstration offers that scientists can use it to control and predict reactions in general. This is nearly revolution in picking up the pace in doing chemistry research. Now the certainty of mathematics can play a larger predictive role, saving time, offering new ideas to check out, and quicker experimentation.
Luckily for we writers the conservation of angular momentum is easy to visualize and discuss (simpler Wikipedia page). (Save those emails, just add your voice to the comments.) By taking some liberty in terms, the conservation is about holding the energy as a mass circles tied to a point. You can see the conservation as a figure skater draws in the arms and gains rotating speed – the mass has conserved the energy with more speed in a smaller circle – and when the arms come out the energy in the mass is still about the same as the mass travels slower around a larger circle. Isaac Newton figured this out and set it to mathematics in his second law of mechanics.
What’s happening is an object in motion trying to stay in motion. A particle going 100 inches a minute in a straight line pulled into a one-inch diameter circle is going to get around 100 times in a minute. Open the circle up to a 4-inch diameter circle and it will get around 25 times. The impact energy from a particle stop will be the same. Physics in nature has managed some marvelous examples, the gyroscope stays put; the earth revolves around the sun, the moon around the earth, the whole solar system works and galaxy as well.
The MSU team set out to use the conservation of angular momentum to understand how molecules move energy around following the absorption of light. In the current issue of Science (available in full as a pdf document from MSU), MSU chemist Jim McCusker demonstrates for the first time the effect is real and also suggests how scientists could use it to control and predict chemical reaction pathways in general.
The notion CAM was at work in chemistry was first floated back in 1927 when E. Wigner introduced the notion of spin conservation in chemical reactions where a chemical reaction would be designated “spin-allowed” if the spin angular momentum space spanned by the reactants intersects the spin angular momentum space spanned by the reaction’s products.
Jim McCusker takes us forward with, “The idea has floated around for decades and has been implicitly invoked in a variety of contexts, but no one had ever come up with a chemical system that could demonstrate whether or not the underlying concept was valid. Our result not only validates the idea, but it really allows us to start thinking about chemical reactions from an entirely different perspective.”
McCusker and his team used two closely related molecules that were specifically designed to undergo a chemical reaction known as fluorescence resonance energy transfer, or FRET. Upon absorption of light, the system is predisposed to transfer that energy from one part of the molecule to another.
Then they changed the identity of one of the atoms in the molecule from chromium to cobalt. This altered the molecule’s properties and shut down the reaction. The absence of any detectable energy transfer in the cobalt-containing compound confirmed the hypothesis.
McCusker said, “What we have successfully conducted is a proof-of-principle experiment. One can easily imagine employing these ideas to other chemical processes, and we’re actually exploring some of these avenues in my group right now.”
The team says in the paper, “. . . it does not appear to us that this formalism should be limited to energy transfer. In principle, a parallel set of expressions for any chemical reaction could be drafted in which consideration of reactant and product angular momenta serves to differentiate various thermodynamically viable pathways. It seems likely that the issues raised herein will manifest more readily in inorganic rather than organic systems because of the broader array of spin states generally accessible in such compounds.”
The expectation here is the use of CAM is going to have immediate application to catalyst research. The intensity of interest in organic reactions is very high for creating fuels and in solving the catalyst issues in fuel cells. The documentation of CAM or “spin-allowed” molecules could take off at a furious pace when a few applications are published.
It’s certainly a Happy New Year for the chemists – if they’re up on their calculus and physics.
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At The Threshold of New Kinds of Chemical Reactions | New Energy and Fuel
The bio stimulation differentiating the genetic corrections is contributed by this experiment as resonance between circularly polarized and linearly polarized light
Important Citation Polarization of light emitted in the presence of a magnetic field. Reversed as inductive and capacitive configution along positive and negative refractive index. As inductive and capacitive pumping of light rays as corollary to zeeman effect under fluorescence resonance energy transfer forming thebasics of astrogenetics
Citation:Dual laser wakefield control over the Cooper-Bardeen electron spin of opposite spins transfer energy to produce Rydberg electron in the middle along Curie –Weizz temperature resonance between para and ferromagnetic high voltage staged buildup by pole shifting cross polarization.
The rapid pulse to pulse polarization reversal in Rydberg electrons collected by a multi-step photo ionization using the soup of xenon-diflourid –bismuth combinations to have para-ferromagnetic curie point reversal could yield better results using cobalt-nickel paramagnetic-ferromagnetic dopings.It is the middle point temperature controlled para-ferromagnetic resonance that must have a meaning at 45 degree mirror oscillation of Rydberg dual blackholes the requires an investigation.
Sankaravelyudhan nandakumar on behalf of CRERC ,Oxford astrophysics dept,JILA,N.I.S.T and hubble research group
Tractor beam Bessel hologram will be realized soon:
Optomechanical devices as transducers using Tractor waves and tricky invisible cloaking dynamics-reg [Incident: 130116-000085] news@
Invisible Cloaking hologram that can be converted as tractor wave pulling force that becomes a 3D projections:
A perfect invisibility cloak is commonly believed to be undetectable from electromagnetic (EM) detection because it is equivalent to a curved but empty EM space created from coordinate transformation. Based on the intrinsic asymmetry of coordinate transformation applied to motions of photons and charges, we propose a method to detect this curved EM space by shooting a fast-moving charged particle through it. A broadband radiation generated in this process makes a cloak visible. Our method is the only known
EM mechanism so far to detect an ideal perfect cloak (curved EM space) within its working band. Squeezing from broad band to narrow band makes it invisible and towards a broad band becomes invisible. That is why ghosts are invisible sometimes and visible sometimes..
We can explain the above process by comparing the motion in the physical space and in the virtual space. When the particle enters the cloak, its velocity in the virtual space in Fig. 1(b) has an abrupt change at point A, which generates some radiation in virtual space. This radiation corresponds to the transition radiation that occurs at the incident point at the outer boundary of the cloak in physical space [point A in Fig. 1(a)]. Similarly, when the particle comes out at the other side of the cloak, another abrupt velocity change occurs in the virtual space [point C in Fig. 1(b)], which corresponds to the transition radiation emitted at the outer boundary of the cloak in physical space [point C in Fig. 1(a)]. Throughout its motion inside the cloak in the physical space [segment AC in Fig. 1(a)], the
particle generates transition radiation due to the inhomogeneity and anisotropy of the cloak. This particle’s motion in the virtual space [curved segment ABC in Fig. 1(b)] can be divided into two parts—motion along AB and motion along BC, corresponding to the two radiation stages. While moving, the particle’s velocity keeps changing direction as well as magnitude, which gives rise to Bremsstrahlung and synchrotron radiation. Another kind of radiation that is generated in the regions close to the outer boundary of the cloak [close to A or C in both Figs. 1(a) and 1(b)], is Cerenkov radiation when the velocity of the particle is larger than the speed of light
Varying the intensity of tractor waves: The intensity that varies across a laser beam can be used to push objects sideways, can be controlled by frequency –velocity shifted along visible to invisible hologram theoretically for Bessel beams is that for particles that are sufficiently small, the light scatters off the particle in a forward direction, meaning that the particle itself is pulled backwards towards the source, The size of the tractor beam force depends on parameters such as the electrical and magnetic properties of the particles. Malaria-infected blood cell is more rigid can be stimulated to have scattering thereby an in infection could be removed. Usually, if a laser beam hits a small particle in its path, the light is scattered backwards, which in turn pushes the particle forward. The size of the tractor beam force depends on parameters such as the electrical and magnetic properties of the particles focused two laser beams with a specific frequency into a cavity containing a silicon wafer that acted as a “loss medium.” The“decoherence”, in which the quantum nature of a particle slowly slips away through its interactions with other matter with reference to a change in the frequency and velocity. A particle can now best be defined as the conceptual carrier of a set of variates. . . It is also conceived as the occupant of a state defined by the same state of variates.Ghost detecting hologram and survival after death of humanbeings in another frequency and velocity in indivisible carpet will be investigated soon and will be realistic.
In conclusion, we have demonstrated the broadband radiation process of a fast-moving charged particle going through a perfect invisibility cloak that is equivalent to a curved EM space. Dyadic Green function is derived and used in the calculation. The radiation is explained by comparing the motion of the charge in both physical and virtual spaces. We believe this is the only known mechanism thus far to detect a perfect invisibility cloak or a curved EM space within its working band electromagnetically. With the interactive Bessel tractor laser interaction the force can be amplified and squeezed by noise elimination control.
If an optical cavity is of ultrahigh quality and the mechanical resonator element within is atomic-sized and chilled to nearly absolute zero, the resulting cavity optomechanical system can be used to detect even the slightest mechanical motion. Likewise, even the tiniest fluctuations in the light/vacuum can cause the atoms to wiggle. Changes to the light can provide control over that atomic motion. This not only opens the door to fundamental studies of quantum mechanics that could tell us more about the “classical” world we humans inhabit, but also to quantum information processing, ultrasensitive force sensors, and other technologies that might seem like science fiction today.
Sankaravelayudhan Nandakumar on behalf of Hubble research investigating team working under G.H.Miley ,University of Illinois,USA.
Based on pioneering work by Albert Einstein and Max Planck more than a hundred years ago, it is known that light carries momentum that pushes objects away. In addition, the intensity that varies across a laser beam can be used to push objects sideways, and for example can be used to move cells in biotechnology applications. Pulling an object towards an observer, however, has so far proven to be elusive. In 2011, researchers theoretically demonstrated a mechanism where light movement can be controlled using two opposing light beams — though technically, this differs from the idea behind a tractor beam. The system which provides a magnetic trap for capturing a gas made up of thousands of ultracold atoms during this December January period. There is a general agreement about the origin of the radio emission from pulsars: it is caused by highly energetic electrons, positrons and ions moving along the field lines of the pulsar’s magnetic field, and we see it pulsate because the rotation and magnetic axes are misaligned,” explains Wim Hermsen from SRON, the Netherlands Institute for Space Research in Utrecht, The Netherlands. “How exactly the particles are stripped off the neutron star’s surface and accelerated to such high energy, however, is still largely unclear,
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In Formulating a new line of thought in Astrogenetics
Citation with reference to selective frequencies a feedback system of solar, lunar ,planetary emissions the system operate along diagonalised negative slope dynamics analogous to “meta materials that act as metamaterials –electromagnetic cloaking system at microwave frequency selective transformation optics of negative phase as applicable in “transformation optics along with complementary combination of Hall’s quantized folded geometry forming that may developed for Astro genetic applications.
In 1917 Tulio Levi-Civita developed the modern perspective on Karl Freiedrish Guass’s earlier works forming the geometry of surface. In 1981Micheal Berry discovered the phase accumulated by the wave function under going adiabatic evolution forming a new geometry. On a rotating planet such as Mars the Foucault pendulum is an example of parallel transportation along the line of latitude, thus typically enhancing inverse diagonalising matrices forming negative refractive domains which has been earlier confirmed by Sankaravelayudhan Nandakumar letter of citation was got approved at wit a copy to
Hall’s quantization confirmed such a line of thought further improved by Hon.John Pendry’s invisible cloaking electron dynamics thus forming a shadow screen by natural frequency /wave length dynamics of base on new negative phase conjugated optical transformation theory improved by so many especially Hon.Valdimir of Purdue university with re light as a natural source.
Al these information confirmed the research works carried out by Sankaravelayudhan Nandakumar for a firm footing on theory of genetic hologram that decides the fate of the embryo related cerebral hologram as palm print.He is in debt to the earlier encouragement given by the bold and courageous woman Hon.Ada yonath ,Nobel laureate Hon.George Miley who is like Prof.Hardy to him in such a critical situation with a feedback Dr.William D.Phillips of N.I.S.T wit a copy of Hon.John Pendry of imperial college of technology with a feedback to royal society of London. The Hubble telescope research team was able to support him in such a critical time, I am in debt to them, says Sankaravelayudhan Nandakumar.
An inverse transformation of the electrical permittivity and magnetic permittivity phase conjugated leading to spatially variable refractive index optical transformation by a spatially variable refractive index profile will be the basic Astrogenetics theory having synched a conformal footing by John Pendry’s dynamics. An increase in wave length squeeze as decrease in frequency shifted as matter waves in this region. Firm footing on an epistemology of embryogenesis could be assessed with reference to a moving domain phase conjugated as Pendry cloaking screen where by all the planetary emissions of spectrum waves “synch up” when it reemerges at one wave length /frequency with reference to the so called Lagna or GRP (genetic reference plane) along the plane of hologram that act as feedback system that moves at every 2 hours .This is analogous to the behavior of light in gravitational field under Einstein’s theory of relativity and new optics known as transformation optic in built-up by natural selection of frequency base based emissions that may be developed and use in Astrogenetics.
Conclusion: We are forced to have a new conclusion via transformation optics initiated by diagonalised spin electrons transforming the energy for invisible cloaking dynamics. We are interested in Mar’s spin dynamics. A new thermo dynamical phases and electron gas emerges as variable chemical potential that vary the magneticfield according to hall’s quantized effect as topological variation forming a transverse potential difference between the edges of hall’s surface. Theta angle chosen in such a way to have differentiable feedback system is thus formulated, and the Berry phase under going adiabatic evolution as a function of cos theta deflections. This means differentiable blood grouping is a function of Mar’s rays. A possible folded geometry can not be eliminated at this juncture as a combination of transformation optics and complementary media as action at a distance. This is possible only with hall’s quatiztion..
Sankaravelayudhan Nandakumar ,Assistant Professor, MET Engineering College on behalf of Hubble Telescope research Team ,Oxford Astrogenetic dept,uk working with Hon.George Miley ,Emeritus Professor ,University of Illinois ,USA on New fusion propulsion system a applicable in Space ships using dark matter,NIST and JILA research feed back member, Research feed back member to Ada Yonath,Nobel laureate Director molecular Biology director Israel
Ref.Research paper source by D.S.Schurig,B.J.Justice,S.A.Cummer,J.B.Pendry,A.F.Starr,D.R.Smithscience311p(2006)977
1) support: ISSUE=1221 PROJ=13
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4) #TAG# In Formulating a new line of thought in Astrogenetics-reg [Incident: 111030-000019]
5) support: ISSUE=1232 PROJ=13
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Anti lasing quantum spot pulses with ce+3 ion on ceF3 NRI materials -reg
Realizing anti lase quantum dot pulses :Increasing the frequency for very higher range may initiate anti laser pulses:Antilaser quantum dots: Instead of amplifying light into coherent pulses, as a laser does, an antilaser absorbs light beams zapped into it. It can be “tuned” to work at specific wavelengths of light, allowing researchers to turn a dial and cause the device to start and then stop absorbing light.
“By just tinkering with the phases of the beams, magically it turns ‘black’ in this narrow wavelength range,the antilaser while wondering what might happen if they replaced the material inside a laser that reflects photons — the “gain medium” — with a material that absorbs light. In the right configuration, the absorbing material sucks up most of the photons sent into it, while the remaining light waves cancel out by interfering with one another. refers to the device as a “coherent perfect absorber.” Another name is a “time-reversed laser,” since it is like running a laser in reverse using an absorbing medium rather than an amplifying one.The antilaser while wondering what might happen if they replaced the material inside a laser that reflects photons — the “gain medium” — with a material that absorbs light. In the right configuration, the absorbing material sucks up most of the photons sent into it, while the remaining light waves cancel out by interfering with one another. Black crystal optic lattice may give a clue in this research. Instead of amplifying light into coherent pulses, as a laser does, an antilaser absorbs light beams zapped into it. It can be “tuned” to work at specific wavelengths of light, allowing researchers to turn a dial and cause the device to start and then stop absorbing light. This can also be applied on nuclear fission act like a cadmium control and cold fusion controls. Perhaps may be able to protect the human beings during any catastrophic atomicfission and fusion regions. If the final vibrational state is less energetic than the initial state, then the emitted photon will be shifted to a higher frequency, and this is designated as an Anti-Stokes shift. Raman scattering is an example of inelastic scattering because of the energy transfer between the photons and the molecules during their interaction.
Sankara Velayudhan Nandakumar along with Hon. Sir J.Pendry F.R.S of imperial college uk special officer on combustion nano technology along with Dr.GANESAN ,IIT professor ,combustion dept Cape Institute of Technology,Nagercoil formerly with ,KNSK Engineering college ,Nagercoil as research scholar,Anna University with Hubble space research committee of Hon.Roger Davies,Hon.Collin Webbs FRS of Laser dn of Oxford uk,Hon.Marteen Rees ,Emeritus Professor of cosmology Cambridge ,former president of Royal soci Anti lasing quantum spot pulses with ce+3 ion on ceF3 NRI materials ety, London.
Sankara Velayudhan Nandakumar member PNAS ,American ,JILA Group member on behalf of Loyola college of Engineering and technology ,Member American committee for the Weizman institute of science ,Energy renovation committee cape Institute of Technology,Nagercoil ,former Guest lecturer ,KNSK Enginering college ,Anna University have surprisingly found out genetic mirror
Anti lasing quantum spot pulses with ce+3 ion on ceF3 NRI materials -reg [Incident: 100802-000034] news@na
New propulsion system is possible by stimulating electric-field and magnetic-field reversals in between positive and negative magnetic and electric permittivity using circular and linear polarized hollow-laser beams permittivity in initiating hyper velocity in space vehicles:
Citation: Formation of Voslego electric and magneticfield resonance in Blue Straggler is possible out of collapse of binary stars in between electric field controlling magneticfield in between LHS and RHS collisions formulating new quantum mechanics in between brighter and dimmer dynamics
Albert Einstein’s equations of gravity are the foundation of the modern view of black holes; ironically, he used the equations in trying to prove these objects cannot exist, but electron mass loss and increase observed between positive and negative gravity optic lattices of electric and magneticfield with the cropping of Voselego resonance that oscillate between electricfield and magneticfield as a function of frequency drifts along the evolution of new materials by a possible resonance for new tunneling quantum mechanics for mass transfer in between binary stars merger as hyper velocity in Blue Straggler.
Einstein’s mass variant theory leading to infinite mass at light velocity and indivisible cloaking i mass at 1.414c has to be modified by Veselego mass transfer variant resonance Einstein Mathematics is complete and baffles one in fact Quantum mechanics is enigmatic-Spinning pulsar at 1.414c using m= m0/√1-v2/c2 Resonate along Voselago resonance planes
E=mVgrVph and includes the dependence on the phase and group velocities of the radiation. This relation implies that in case of a negative refractive index, when the phase and group velocity in opposite directions, the mass is transferred from the receiver to the source, but not vice versa, as usual. a quantum tunneling is observed between binary stars as well as between galaxies.
H. Lamb [see his article “On group-velocity”, Proc. London Math. Soc. 1, 473-479 (1904)] may have been the first person to suggest the existence of backward waves (the waves which phase moves in the direction opposite from that of the energy flow). Lamb´s examples involved mechanical systems rather than electromagnetic waves. Seemingly, the first person who discussed the backward waves in electromagnetism was A. Schuster in his book An Introduction to the Theory of Optics (Edward Arnold, London, 1904). On pp. 313-318 of his book Schuster briefly notes Lamb´s work and gives a speculative discussion of its implications for optical refraction, should a material with such a properties ever be found. He cited the fact that within the absorption band of, for example, sodium vapour a backward wave will propagate. But, because of the high absorption region in which the dispersion is reversed, he was pessimistic about the applications of negative refraction. Around the same time, H.C. Pocklington in his article “Growth of a wave-group when the group velocity is negative”, Nature 71, 607-608 (1905) showed that in a specific backward-wave medium, a suddenly activated source produces a wave whose group velocity is directed away from the source, while its velocity moves toward the source.
Shortly after R. Zengerle had completed his PhD thesis, an article by R. E. Camley and D. L. Mills, Surface polaritons on uniaxial antiferromagnets, Phys. Rev. B 26, 1280-1287 (1982) appeared. Among other issues, the authors also discussed the case of an antiferromagnetic metal. At a first glance, the title does not look promissing for those interested in negative-refractive index materials. However, metal implies a negative dielectric constant, whereas antiferromagnet implies a negative permeability. In the antiferromagnetic metal case, when both dielectric constant and magnetic permeability are negative, R. E. Camley and D. L. Mills then made the following observation: “In this case we find that the phase velocity of both the bulk and surface polaritons is oppositely directed to the group velocity” (see p. 1281, right column, last but one paragraph; p. 1284, left column, last paragraph – right column, l. 1). At both occasions they added that such a behavior was to be expected and refered to Veselago
Negative materials are nevertheless easy to find. Materials with ε negative include metals (e.g., silver, gold, aluminum) at optical frequencies, while materials with negative include resonant ferromagnetic or antiferro magnetic systems.. Although the gamma rays disappeared quickly, GRB 130603B also displayed a slowly fading glow dominated by infrared light. Its brightness and behavior didn’t match a typical “afterglow,” which is created when a high-speed jet of particles slams into the surrounding environment.
We estimate that the amount of gold produced and ejected during the merger of the two binary stars may be as large as 10 moon masses — quite a lot of bling with a combination silve ferromaterials forming cloaking dynamics Instead, the glow behaved like it came from exotic radioactive elements. The neutron-rich material ejected by colliding neutron stars can generate such elements, which then undergo radioactive decay, emitting a glow that’s dominated by infrared light — exactly what the team observed. We estimate that the amount of gold produced and ejected during the merger of the two neutron stars may be as large as 10 moon masses — quite a lot of bling!” says lead author Edo Berger of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). In the quest for the cosmic origins of heavy elements, a researcher has established that silver can only have materialized during the explosion of clearly defined types of star. These are different from the kind of stars producing gold when they explode. The evidence for this comes from the measurement of various high-mass stars with the help of which the stepwise evolution of the components of all matter can be reconstructed.
Veselago concluded that not only should such materials be possible but, if ever found, would exhibit remarkable properties unlike those of any known materials, giving a twist to virtually all electromagnetic phenomena.
Two parameters quantify the extent of these responses in a material: electrical permittivity, ε, or how much its electrons respond to an electric field, and magnetic permeability, μ , the electrons degree of response to a magnetic field Most materials have positive ε and μ
A negative e or mu implies that the electrons within the material move in the opposite direction to the force applied by the electric and magnetic fields Although this behavior might seem paradoxical, it is actually quite a simple matter to make electrons oppose the “push” of the applied electric and magnetic fields Think of a swing: apply a slow, steady push, and the swing obediently moves in the direction of the push—although it does not swing very high. Once set in motion, the swing tends to oscillate back and forth at a particular rate, known technically as its resonant frequency Push the swing periodically, in time with this swinging, and it starts arcing higher. Now try to push at a faster rate, and the push goes out of phase with respect to the motion of the swing—at some point, your arms might be outstretched with the swing rushing back. If you have been pushing for a while, the swing might have enough momentum to knock you over—it is then pushing back on you. In the same way, electrons in a material with a negative index of refraction go out of phase and resist the “push” of the electromagnetic field. An electric field is for linearity and magneticfield is for circulation.
Collisions of neutron stars produce the heaviest elements such as gold or lead. The cosmic site where the heaviest chemical elements such as lead or gold are formed has most likely been identified: Ejected matter from neutron stars merging in a violent collision provides ideal conditions. In detailed numerical simulations, scientists of the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics and affiliated to the Excellence Cluster Universe and of the Free University of Brussels have verified that the relevant reactions of atomic nuclei do take place in this environment, producing the heaviest elements in the correct abundances.
he heavy elements are `recycled’ several times in various reaction chains involving the fission of super-heavy nuclei, which makes the final abundance distribution become largely insensitive to the initial conditions provided by the merger model, A discovery would mean the first observational hint of freshly produced r-process elements in the source of their origin. A newly published theory reveals that the Milky Way could contain a space-time tunnel, and that the tunnel could even be the size of the galaxy itself. Based on the latest evidence and theories our galaxy could be a huge wormhole (or space-time tunnel,
A new study from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics suggests that heavy elements, such as gold, are produced and ejected during the merger of neutron stars.
Blue straggler becoming Voselego quantum dynamical domain in space: Earlier observations of the area between M31 and M33 suggested the presence of colder, neutral hydrogen, but we couldn’t see any details to determine if it had a definitive structure or represented a new type of cosmic feature. Now, with high-resolution images from the GBT, we were able to detect discrete concentrations of neutral hydrogen emerging out of what was thought to be a mainly featureless field of gas.”
ESO’s Very Large Telescope has captured a detailed view of a star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud — one of the Milky Way’s satellite galaxies. This sharp image reveals two glowing clouds of gas. NGC 2014 (right) is irregularly shaped and red and its neighbor, NGC 2020, is round and blue. These odd and very different forms were both sculpted by powerful stellar winds from extremely hot newborn stars that also radiate into the gas, causing it to glow brightly. Credit: ES
You may not know at first what that is. But for hypervelocity stars, one of their mysteries is where they come from – and the massive black hole in our galaxy is implicated. This may be the Blue straggler having high velocity as observed by Hubble team early. It is nine times more massive than our sun, which makes it very similar to another hypervelocity star known as HE 0437-5439, discovered in 2005, The hypervelocity star tells us a lot about our galaxy – especially its center and the dark matter halo
Hypervelocity Blue star from Hawking’s Blackhole out of a neutral stream is contemplated. The neutral hydrogen stream may be the seed of Blackhole formation that swings between positive and negative domains having longer wave length and shorter wave lengths in between dark matter regions. Several research groups have since done increasingly detailed investigations into the remarkable signatures that black holes would produce in the detectors at the LHC.
From the spectroscopic data, shifts in wavelength reveal the velocity (along the line of sight) of a source. The research team noted that the system’s center of mass was moving with respect to the binary system. This will occur in a semi-detached binary system, where mass transfers from one star to the other. As it does this, the center of mass will follow the mass-transfer.
Blackhole could be generated at the meeting point of positive and negative refractive index metamaterials the point of wobbling between At sufficiently high temperatures, there would be enough energy available to match up electrons and their antiparticles, or positrons, into what are known as electron-positron pairs. The creation of electron-positron pairs would cause a loss of pressure, further accelerating the collapse; as a result, the two orbiting fragments would ultimately become so dense that a black hole could form at each clump,
From a circuit pulsar capacitance point of view, a time varying magnetic field induces an electromotive force in the plane of the element, driving currents within the conductor. A gap in the plane of the structure introduces capacitance into the planar circuit, giving rise to a resonance at a frequency set by the geometry of the element as a function of frequency changes in between positive and negative refractive index with. A negative refractive index implies that the phase of a wave advancing through the medium will be negative rather than positive. As Veselago pointed out, this fundamental reversal of wave propagation contains important implications for nearly all electromagnetic phenomena. Veselago concluded that not only should such materials be possible but, if ever found, would exhibit remarkable properties unlike those of any known materials, giving a twist to virtually all electromagnetic phenomena. The resonances in existing materials that give rise to electric polarizations typically occur at very high frequencies( short wave length), in the optical, On the other hand, resonances in magnetic systems typically occur at much(longer wave length) lower frequencies, usually tailing off toward the THz and infrared region. In short, the fundamental electronic and magnetic processes that give rise to resonant phenomena in materials simply do not occur at the same frequencies, although no physical law would preclude this. This suggests another view of the focusing action, that of the slab annihilating an equal thickness of vacuum. Negative media behave like optical antimatter. In fact the result is more general than this
The most likely explanation for the star’s blue color and extreme speed is that it was part of a triple-star system that was involved in a gravitational billiard-ball game with the galaxy’s monster black hole. This concept for imparting an escape velocity on stars was first proposed in 1988. The theory predicted that the Milky Way’s black hole should eject a star about once every 100,000 years.
Brown suggests that the triple-star system contained a pair of closely orbiting stars and a third outer member also gravitationally tied to the group. The black hole pulled the outer star away from the tight binary system. The doomed star’s momentum was transferred to the stellar twosome, boosting the duo to escape velocity from the galaxy. As the pair rocketed away, they went on with normal stellar evolution. The more massive companion evolved more quickly, puffing up to become a red giant. It enveloped its partner, and the two stars spiraled together, merging into one superstar – a blue straggler.
Formation of Vaselego gold and silver materials on one side and ferric and nonferric materials on the other side contributing to new quantum mechanical resonance during the prolonged survival of Blue straggler giving it an extraordinary energy out of negative energy and positive energy resonance.
H. Lamb [see his article “On group-velocity”, Proc. London Math. Soc. 1, 473-479 (1904)] may have been the first person to suggest the existence of backward waves (the waves which phase moves in the direction opposite from that of the energy flow). Lamb´s examples involved mechanical systems rather than electromagnetic waves. Seemingly, the first person who discussed the backward waves in electromagnetism was A. Schuster in his book An Introduction to the Theory of Optics (Edward Arnold, London, 1904). On pp. 313-318 of his book Schuster briefly notes Lamb´s work and gives a speculative discussion of its implications for optical refraction, should a material with such a properties ever be found. He cited the fact that within the absorption band of, for example, sodium vapour a backward wave will propagate. But, because of the high absorption region in which the dispersion is reversed, he was pessimistic about the applications of negative refraction. Around the same time, H.C. Pocklington in his article “Growth of a wave-group when the group velocity is negative”, Nature 71, 607-608 (1905) showed that in a specific backward-wave medium, a suddenly activated source produces a wave whose group velocity is directed away from the source, while its velocity moves toward the source.
Shortly after R. Zengerle had completed his PhD thesis, an article by R. E. Camley and D. L. Mills, Surface polaritons on uniaxial antiferromagnets, Phys. Rev. B 26, 1280-1287 (1982) appeared. Among other issues, the authors also discussed the case of an antiferromagnetic metal. At a first glance, the title does not look promissing for those interested in negative-refractive index materials. However, metal implies a negative dielectric constant, whereas antiferromagnet implies a negative permeability. In the antiferromagnetic metal case, when both dielectric constant and magnetic permeability are negative, R. E. Camley and D. L. Mills then made the following observation: “In this case we find that the phase velocity of both the bulk and surface polaritons is oppositely directed to the group velocity” (see p. 1281, right column, last but one paragraph; p. 1284, left column, last paragraph – right column, l. 1). At both occasions they added that such a behavior was to be expected and refered to Veselago
Negative materials are nevertheless easy to find. Materials with ε negative include metals (e.g., silver, gold, aluminum) at optical frequencies, while materials with negative include resonant ferromagnetic or antiferro magnetic systems.. Although the gamma rays disappeared quickly, GRB 130603B also displayed a slowly fading glow dominated by infrared light. Its brightness and behavior didn’t match a typical “afterglow,” which is created when a high-speed jet of particles slams into the surrounding environment.
We estimate that the amount of gold produced and ejected during the merger of the two binary stars may be as large as 10 moon masses — quite a lot of bling with a combination silve ferromaterials forming cloaking dynamics Instead, the glow behaved like it came from exotic radioactive elements. The neutron-rich material ejected by colliding neutron stars can generate such elements, which then undergo radioactive decay, emitting a glow that’s dominated by infrared light — exactly what the team observed. We estimate that the amount of gold produced and ejected during the merger of the two neutron stars may be as large as 10 moon masses — quite a lot of bling!” says lead author Edo Berger of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). In the quest for the cosmic origins of heavy elements, a researcher has established that silver can only have materialized during the explosion of clearly defined types of star. These are different from the kind of stars producing gold when they explode. The evidence for this comes from the measurement of various high-mass stars with the help of which the stepwise evolution of the components of all matter can be reconstructed.
Veselago concluded that not only should such materials be possible but, if ever found, would exhibit remarkable properties unlike those of any known materials, giving a twist to virtually all electromagnetic phenomena.
Two parameters quantify the extent of these responses in a material: electrical permittivity, ε , or how much its electrons respond to an electric field, and magnetic permeability, , the electrons degree of response to a magnetic field Most materials have positive and
Conclusion: A resonance shift between frequencies contributing electron turning into electric field and into magneticfield by linear and circular polarisation at the same frequencies act as a switch of and on between a new quantum mechanics contributing to a new resonance to produce a capacitive type resonance that shifts between electric and magneticfield and mass transportation between positive refractive and negative refractive optic materials due to electron moving in linear plane and circular plane that oscillate above and below the resonance frequency.
Sankaravelayudhan Nandakumar on behalf of Imperial college of technology along with Sir John Pendry and David Smith Prof.Bunnar of Rice University Professor and Sankaravelayudhan Nandakumar,Hubble,M.I.T Scholar and Lucas Guillemot from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Michael Kramer, Director and Head of the Fundamental Physics in Radio Astronomy research group Prof Wim Hermsen of the Netherlands Institute for Space Research
Chameleon pulsar may be operative between electric intensity field magnetic intensity field – 00224281 support: ISSUE=9024 PROJ=13
Re: Positive and negative optic lattices at the end of Blackholes contributing to cloaking dynamics – 00229136
Re: Mass loss in pulsars leading to attractive gravity and repulsion due to increase in mass as a function of frequency of rotation – 00229134 support: ISSUE=9026 PROJ=13 support: ISSUE=9025 PROJ=13
Citation: Different phases of Blackhole due to spin orbit coupling material change depends upon magnetic properties to adopt aligned spins along repulsive and attractive pulses:…/posts/JsZRghu7W9R
Citation: Different phases of Blackhole due to spin orbit coupling material change depends upon magnetic properties to adopt aligned spins along repulsive and attractive pulses – 00314919 support: ISSUE=10390 PROJ=13
My recent email to Professor Hawking
Disqus For reference this is Case #439979
Battle for the black hole
one of the ways in which one may explore the physical content of the general theory of relativity is to allow one’s sensibility to its aesthetic base guide in the formulation of problems with conviction in the harmonious coherence of its mathematical structure the author has no peer in the treatment of his main topics of thermal and rotational instability. The evolution stages of Blackhole requires more investigation as contemplated by Great Sir Arthur Eddington.Nature always add up something more than the contribution of mathematics almost a reduction ad absurdum of the relativistic degeneracy formula.
In the 1930s the rarefied world of science was ripped apart by a controversy that was to have devastating consequences for the development of astrophysics. It began when an Indian student called Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (Chandra) decided to work out what would happen if Einstein’s special theory of relativity was applied to the processes that went on inside stars. This step was important because particles inside stars travel at speeds close to that of light, a situation where Einstein’s theory must be used.
Pencil in hand, 19-year-old Chandra did some calculations. At the time, scientists assumed that when a star burned up the last of its fuel, it would turn into a ball of cinders and go cold – become a white dwarf star. Chandra’s mathematics showed that a white dwarf much heavier than the sun could not exist, but would undergo an eternal collapse into a tiny point of infinite density, until it slipped though a crevice in space and time, from which nothing could escape, not even light. It was the first irrefutable mathematical proof that black holes – as they were later dubbed – had to exist.
Chandra made his discovery while on his way to study in the greatest scientific powerhouse of the day, Trinity College, Cambridge. He assumed the community there would welcome him and his discovery with open arms. He had grown up in a free-thinking Brahmin household in Madras and had been recognised as a prodigy from an early age. He had already completed his undergraduate degree and had published several scientific papers. The daily reminders that India was under the yoke of the British Empire rankled him and science seemed a way to show that he was at least equal to the colonial masters. His uncle, CV Raman, had been the first Indian to win the Nobel prize in physics. Chandra hoped that he might win one too.
At Cambridge his hopes were dashed. Scientists there ignored his discovery. Cast down by the dank fens and dreary weather, utterly unlike the welcoming warmth of south India, he gave way to depression. But he pressed on and in 1933, completed his doctorate. He also won a fellowship to continue his work at Cambridge. Buoyed by these successes, he returned to his research on the fate of the stars. To his surprise the great Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, doyen of the astrophysical world, took to visiting him frequently to see how he was getting on.
Eddington was at the peak of his fame as a scientist, philosopher and populiser of the science. He had made Einstein’s general theory of relativity known to the English-speaking public and in 1919 took part in an adventurous expedition to Principe, off the west coast of Africa, to measure the deflection of starlight by the sun. It was the first verification of this extraordinary theory, which extended special relativity to include gravity, the force that shapes the cosmos. It made Eddington a household name and Einstein into an icon of the 20th century. Eddington had also, virtually singlehanded, established the field of astrophysics.
By 1930 Eddington was involved in formulating a hugely ambitious theory that would combine quantum theory (which applies to the world of atoms) and general relativity (which describes the cosmos). It was to be a theory of everything, panoramic in its sweep. Eddington saw it as the culmination of his life’s work – his “fundamental theory”.
Chandra was elated with the great Eddington’s apparent approval and particularly with his suggestion that he should announce his results at a meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society in London. He prepared his paper, but the day before the meeting, Chandra learned that Eddington was to deliver the following lecture, on the very same topic. He was puzzled, but thought no more about it.
On January 11 1935, all the leading figures in astrophysics were at the Society. Chandra delivered his paper, showing a graph that made it transparently clear that a star of above a certain mass would inevitably dwindle to nothing and beyond. Triumphantly he sat down, assuming that Eddington would support his conclusions. But to his horror Eddington, a supercilious man, instead used the full force of his famed oratorical skills to demolish the young man. Had Eddington befriended Chandra in order to destroy him?
Chandra’s theory was mere mathematical game-playing, Eddington argued, with no basis in reality. How could something as huge as a star possibly disappear? Eddington’s arguments were unfounded and highly dubious; but the weight of his reputation was such that no one dared disagree with him. Chandra was not even given the opportunity to reply.
The controversy rumbled on for years in papers and at scientific gatherings. When the two crossed swords in the summer of 1935, in Paris, again Chandra was no match for Eddington. Four years later, again in Paris, they had their final squaring off. With chutzpah Eddington claimed that there was no experimental test that could decide between Chandra’s theory and one that was more to Eddington’s liking, in which white dwarfs never completely collapsed. The famous astronomer Gerard Kuiper, an expert on white dwarfs, immediately pointed out that he had just presented evidence that supported Chandra’s theory.
At the end of the meeting, Eddington and Chandra had a brief moment alone. “I am sorry if I hurt you,” Eddington said to Chandra. Chandra asked whether he had changed his mind. “No,” Eddington retorted. “What are you sorry about then?” Chandra replied and brusquely walked away.
Although they exchanged some cordial letters, issues concerning the fate of the stars were never again discussed. Chandra never unravelled the real reasons for Eddington’s hostility. Once, when they met at Trinity, Chandra demanded to know whether if his theory was right it would demolish Eddington’s fundamental theory. Eddington acknowledged that it would. The real reasons may have been more complex still.
Eddington died in November 1944 in a nursing home of a cancerous stomach tumour, amid the privations of wartime. It was a pitiful end. His sister, Winifred, wrote to inform a colleague of his death, beginning: “My hands are so cold so do excuse the writing – we have to save fuel.”
The confrontation with Eddington had a long-lasting effect both on Chandra and his discovery. For decades, no one bothered to follow up the implications of his suggestion. Chandra himself, despairing that his work would ever be taken seriously, turned to entirely different fields. He also left Cambridge, where his life and career had, he felt, been blighted by racism, and took a post at the University of Chicago, where he was to stay for the rest of his life.
There he carried out vital work first in radiative transfer (the study of how radiation moves through matter), then in hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic stabilities (the study of flow). Meanwhile, scientists working to develop the hydrogen bomb began to realise that such a bomb actually mirrored an exploding star. The same force that blew apart a supernova could be used on Earth to create an apocalyptic explosion. The breakthrough came in 1966 at the Livermore National Laboratory in California when scientists began combining the computer codes for astrophysics and hydrogen bombs. The scientific world finally acknowledged that a star really could collapse and fall into a black hole.
In 1972, the intense source of x-rays in the constellation Cygnus, called Cygnus X-1, 20,000 trillion miles away, was the first black hole to be identified. Many more have now been sighted. Thus – 40 years after his initial discovery – Chandra was finally vindicated and Eddington proven wrong. Chandra was awarded the Nobel prize in 1983 for his work on white dwarfs. But the emotional toll continued to torment him until his death in 1995.
• Arthur I Miller is the author of Empire of the Stars: Friendship, obsession and betrayal in the quest for black holes, published by Little, Brown. To buy for £17.09 inc free UK p&p call Guardian book service on 0870 836 0875
“Chandra probably thought longer and deeper about our universe than anyone since Einstein,” (Martin Rees, Great Britain’s Astronomer Royal)(1)
Something dwells inside the balckhole turning itself into attractor and repulsor and Hawking radiation may be classified as gamma ray emission ,x ray emission and radio wave emission similar to one of Chameleon pulsar before it jumps into pure Blackhole regions.It all depends upon the material change that happens in course of time.It all depends on the magneticproperties by heating introduces additional electron carriers that can cause nearby electrons to adopt aligned spins, heating chameleon materials — up to a certain temperature — should actually cause them to become magnetic. Most likely due to the larger spin-orbit coupling and more diffuse electron cloud present in these heavier elements, the magnetism arises from the electron spin but also from the motion of the electron around the nucleus. The latter contribution, which is very large has been largely ignored by the scientific community but we have now shown, experimentally, that is a very pronounced effect. And this is utterly new and exciting; However, the intriguing result that electron motion plays a large role for the magnetic properties paves the way approaches to molecular nanomagnets with unprecedented high critical temperatures.
Conclusion:Chameleon pulsar that change from magnetic to nonmagnetic as a function of temperature align in one direction maketh it magnetic by the carrier electrons as hot spots of electricfield generated.The carrier electron generated act as operative switch between ferro and paramagnetic resonance calls for a revolutionary electron spin dynamics of Chamaeleon type inside the Balckhole due to carrier electrons as a function of temperature leading to differentiable hawking radiation before it sunks into Blackhole requires further investigation.
Sankaravelayudhan Nandakumar along with Prof.Wim Hersen of Universit of Natherland BASED ON Zutic and Cern research OF Tohuku University along with Ben Stapper of Astrophysics dn,University of Manchester. Thomas Müller and Professor Karl Unterrainer at TU Vienna. Devereaux led the study with Michael Sentef, who began the work as a postdoctoral researcher at SLAC and is now at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter in Germany.
Sankaravelayudhan Nandakumar on behalf of Hubble Telescope Research and Simon Hooker’s research group Oxford university,Clarendon Lab
Journal Reference:
1. Kasper S. Pedersen, Magnus Schau-Magnussen, Jesper Bendix, Høgni Weihe, Andrei V. Palii, Sophia I. Klokishner, Serghei Ostrovsky, Oleg S. Reu, Hannu Mutka, Philip L. W. Tregenna-Piggott. Enhancing the Blocking Temperature in Single-Molecule Magnets by Incorporating 3d-5d Exchange Interactions. Chemistry – A European Journal, 2010; 16 (45): 13458 DOI: 10.1002/chem.201001259
2.Zutic, J. Cerne. Chameleon Magnets. Science, 2011; 332 (6033): 1040 DOI: 10.1126/science.1205775
Citation:In between spiraling and linearization laser can turn a material into an insulator and conductor similar to that of chameleon pulsar that act between para and ferromagnetic that cites a possible change of light emission from spiral linear and reversal support: ISSUE=10343 PROJ=13
Citation :In between spiraling and linearization laser can turn a material into an insulator and conductor a chameleon pulsar that act between para and ferromagnet in a chameleon Pulsar that cites a possible change of light emission from spiral to linear – 00311776
A new study predicts that researchers could use spiraling pulses of laser light to change the nature of graphene, turning it from a metal into an insulator and giving it other peculiar properties that might be used to encode information. “our simulations show that we could theoretically change the electronic properties of the graphene, flipping it back and forth from a metallic state, where electrons flow freely, to an insulating state. In digital terms this is like flipping between zero and one, on and off, yes and no; it can be used to encode information in a computer memory, for instance. What makes this cool and interesting is that you could make electronic switches with light instead of electrons.”
Graphene is a pure form of carbon just one atom thick, with its atoms arranged in a honeycomb pattern. Celebrated as a wonder material since its discovery 12 years ago, it’s flexible, nearly transparent, a superb conductor of heat and electricity and one of the strongest materials known. But despite many attempts, scientists have not found a way to turn it into a semiconductor — the material at the heart of microelectronics.
An earlier study demonstrated that it might be possible to take a step in that direction by hitting a material with circularly polarized light — light that spirals either clockwise or counterclockwise as it travels, a quality that can also be described as right- or left-handedness. This would create a “band gap,” a range of energies that electrons cannot occupy, which is one of the hallmarks of a semiconductor.
we’re trying to understand how interaction with light can alter a material’s character and properties to create something that’s both new and interesting from a technological point of view. This could now demonstrate how remarkably fast graphene converts light pulses into electrical signals.Thre is also the possibility of producing magnetic graphenes. Graphene has many desirable properties. Magnetism alas is not one of them. Magnetism can be induced in graphene by doping it with magnetic impurities, but this tends to disrupt graphene’s electronic properties. Now physicists have found a way to induce magnetism in graphene while also preserving graphene’s electronic properties. They have accomplished this by bringing a graphene sheet very close to a magnetic insulator — an electrical insulator with magnetic properties. “The magnetic graphene acquires new electronic properties so that new quantum phenomena can arise. These properties can lead to new electronic devices that are more robust and multi-functional.” The researchers placed a single-layer graphene sheet on an atomically smooth layer of yttrium iron garnet. They found that yttrium iron garnet magnetized the graphene sheet. In other words, graphene simply borrows the magnetic properties from yttrium iron garnet. They found that graphene’s Hall voltage — a voltage in the perpendicular direction to the current flow — depended linearly on the magnetization of yttrium iron garnet (a phenomenon known as the anomalous Hall effect, seen in magnetic materials like iron and cobalt). This confirmed that their graphene sheet had turned magnetic.
Sankaravelayudhan Nandakumar along with Prof.Wim Hersen of University of Natherland BASED ON Zutic and Cern research OF Tohuku University along with Ben Stapper of Astrophysics dn,University of Manchester. And Shi, a professor of physics and astronomy,Nobel prize winner William D.Philips of NIST Devereaux led the study with Michael Sentef, who began the work as a postdoctoral researcher at SLAC and is now at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter in Germany.
Sankaravelayudhan Nandakumar on behalf of Hubble Telescope Research and Simon Hooker’s research group Oxford university,Clarendon Lab
Journal Reference:
1. Samuel Lara-Avila, Kasper Moth-Poulsen, Rositza Yakimova, Thomas Bjørnholm, Vladimir Fal’ko, Alexander Tzalenchuk, Sergey Kubatkin. Non-Volatile Photochemical Gating of an Epitaxial Graphene/Polymer Heterostructure. Advanced Materials, 2011; DOI: 10.1002/adma.201003993
Journal Reference:
1. Zhiyong Wang, Chi Tang, Raymond Sachs, Yafis Barlas, Jing Shi. Proximity-Induced Ferromagnetism in Graphene Revealed by the Anomalous Hall Effect. Physical Review Letters, 2015; 114 (1) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.016603
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Wim Hermsen (SRON), tel. +31 88-7775871 or +31 6 14547929, e-mail:, Femke Boehorst (ASTRON), tel. +31 6 21 23 42 43 , e-mail:, or Frans Stravers, SRON, tel. 06-52679395, e-mail
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Citation: Contemplating winning a prize in Nobel prize Physics 2015 by spiral and linear laser stimulated Quantum technic-Nobel prize for Quantum dots research-reg
Nobel prizes prizes are occasionally awarded for practical advances instead of fundamental discoveries. While we can’t predict the exact winners for a given year, a few of my science-writing colleagues and I have detected what we think is a loosely recurring pattern for Nobel Prizes in physics: they seem to cycle through four major fields of physics. It’s not a perfect cycle, but each of these fields seems to have its turn every few years. I would classify the recurring topics as being cosmology (the large-scale physics of the universe), quantum physics (the physics of the atom and its subatomic components, and electromagnetic radiation such as light), particle physics (the elementary building blocks of matter and energy), and condensed-matter physics, the field that I believe is due for a prize this year.
Condensed matter is the study of the properties of relatively dense (“condensed”) forms of matter, such as solids and liquids, as opposed to gases, which are generally less dense. The building blocks of condensed-matter materials, such as atoms and electrons, tend to interact more strongly with one another and in a very complex fashion as compared to the atoms and molecules in gases. The physics of condensed-matter systems is rich, but also very complex. Superconductors, for example, are materials that can carry electrical currents without losing energy through electrical resistance as ordinary conductors do; it’s a phenomenon that remains incompletely understood. Some outcome on super fast capacitors and charging materials that facilitate fast charging mobile systems that can be used in mobile charging. The available information can be used solar panel modules for getting rich electric power. Based on my assumption that the prize will most likely be awarded for a topic related to super charging capacity modules, my top prediction for this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics 2015.
Nobel Prize has already been awarded for the first laser, and its microwave equivalent, the maser, in 1964. And there were laser-related prizes in 1981 and 1997. But the first prize was for bulky laboratory lasers, not the varieties you now find in your home, in your DVD players and video game consoles, and in supermarket checkout counters. Those are semiconductor lasers, which produce light with the same kinds of semiconductor materials used to make computer chips. But it’s more than everyday familiarity that makes these lasers particularly important. They are also used in fiber-optic communications, enabling massive amounts of Internet data to be relayed around the world and exchanged between us through our computers, phones, and mobile devices. The physics of light transmission through fiber-optic cables was indeed recognized in the 2009 prize, but not the fundamental laser device itself.
Topological insulators: no topic is more likely to frighten science writers on Nobel Prize morning than this one. Topological insulators allow the flow of electrons on the surface of the material, but are insulators inside the material. They can lead to electronic devices that might be candidates to make smaller, more powerful computers than conventionally possible. While traditional electronic devices simply use electrons as kinds of charged balls moving through circuits, topological insulators would use electron’s bar-magnet-like spins to carry potentially more information in electronic devices.
Ferroelectric materials: these are materials with desirable magnetic and electrical properties that form devices that can store information even when turned off. You’ll find these in the zippy, ultrafast solid-state drives that are appearing in computers and mobile devices and replacing hard drives. Remember the first iPods?
Negative-index metamaterials: these are structures with intricate patterns that can do things that don’t usually happen in nature, such as bend electromagnetic waves in the opposite direction as ordinary materials. They can potentially create so-called “invisibility cloaks” that would divert certain wavelengths of light or other electromagnetic radiation to provide the illusion that the cloaked object is not present , at least when viewing the wavelengths affected by the cloak. I remember that when negative-index metamaterials were first announced, others in the scientific community voiced skepticism as they were initially hard to replicate. But since then, many labs around the world have succeeded in creating these structures.
Photonic crystals: these are specially arranged materials, with regular geometric patterns that also play with light waves in interesting ways. There are even versions of these crystals for sound. They can cause waves of certain frequencies to cancel out, enabling the construction of devices that can block certain light frequencies, and also those that block light and allow only certain wavelengths to pass through, useful for certain coatings and sensors.
Nobel prize again for carbon nano tubes: These ultra-strong tubes of carbon atoms have remarkable electrical and mechanical properties that promise lots of potential applications. They have yet to be acknowledged by the committee though other noteworthy carbon materials have been recognized in physics, such as graphene (atom-thick layers of carbon) in the 2010 physics prize and buckyballs (soccer-ball-like arrangements of carbon) in the 1996 chemistry prize
A universal optical frequency comb synthesizer: This produces a wide comb of absolutely known equidistant marker frequencies throughout the infrared, visible, and ultraviolet spectral range. To this end, a white light continuum with a pulse repetition rate is produced by focusing the output of a mode-locked femtosecond laser into an optical fiber or bulk medium with a third order nonlinear susceptibility.
The research on Ionic Diffusion Super-charging: Breakthrough in battery technology could fully charge a cellphone as well as in electric cars solar panel modules in minutes: Supercapacitors which are also knows as ultracapacitors or double – layer capacitors store electricity by physically separating positive and negative charges unlike batteries (batteries do so chemically). The charge they hold is like the static electricity that can build up on a balloon, but much greater due to the extremely high surface area of their interior materials. The new device that has been developed is a supercapacitor that stores electricity by assembling electrically charged ions on the surface of a porous material, instead of storing it in chemical reactions the way batteries do. Modern cell phones still take forever to charge, from a brisk but often … building a supercharger that slides into your mobile phone’s battery, recharging it in seconds that is actually built a tiny super-capacitor and demonstrated its ability … that it could also be used in rollup displays or fabric-based material. There is no chemical reaction involved in the storage of the charge instead a layer of porous material is used to store the ions. This results in charging and discharging to be completed within minutes and the battery can have a life of millions of cycles unlike traditional batteries with just few thousand cycles. Silicon materials remain unused for supercapacitors due to extreme reactivity of … Carbon and silicon go together to make a supercharging capacitor that … Mobile phones with built-in power cells that recharge in seconds. A synthesized form of niobium oxide could be used in a “supercapacitor,” a device that combines the high storage capacity of lithium ion batteries and the rapid energy-delivery ability of common capacitor. Fast The research on Ionic Diffusion-Enabled Nanoflake Electrode by Spontaneous Electrochemical Pre-Intercalation for High-Performance Supercapacitor may be given due importance.
For the invention of Quantum dots:Quantum dots were first discovered by Alexey Ekimov in 1981 in a glass matrix and then in colloidal solutions by Louis E. Brus in 1985. The term “quantum dot” was coined by Mark Reed. Researchers have studied applications for quantum dots in transistors, solar cells, LEDs, and diode lasers.
For developing Blackhole and dark matter physics the Nobel prize still hangs on.
Of course, the Nobel committee can award the prize on any physics topic, and it could be one unrelated to condensed matter. One strong possibility includes extrasolar planets. Even though there is no prize for astronomy, this is a discovery that is very worthy, in my opinion. Another potential topic is for the transformation of subatomic particles known as neutrinos from one form to another; this neutrino oscillation is one of the big discoveries in physics in the last few decades. Another possible prize is the development of chaos theory. Another possibility is work on quantifying climate change, including human contributions to changing the climate, because of its major global and societal importance.
Sankaravelayudhan Nandakumar along with Hon.Professor Stephen Hawkings Professor Andrea Cavalleri of the Department of Physics at Oxford University and the Max Planck Department Prof.Zutic of Bufello University with Prof.Wim Hersen of University of Natherland BASED ON Zutic and Cern research OF Tohuku University along with Ben Stapper of Astrophysics dn,University of Manchester. Thomas Müller and Professor Karl Unterrainer at TU Vienna. Devereaux led the study with Michael Sentef, who began the work as a postdoctoral researcher at SLAC and is now at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter in Germany. Sankaravelayudhan Nandakumar on behalf of Hubble Telescope Research and Simon Hooker’s research group Oxford university,Clarendon Lab