Yesterday Sterling D. Allan of PESN and Frank Acland of E-CatWorld conducted a one and a half hour interview with Andrea Rossi hosted by Gary Hendershot on his SmartScarecrow service regarding developments in the E-Cat technology based on the cold fusion technology called “LENR” for Low Energy Nuclear Reaction. SmartScarecrow has chat room where people […]

The first folks to put up money for the Andrea Rossi E-Cat are the territorial distributors.  Whatever any of us might think, these folks have the wherewithal and fortitude to get in for the business future.  What the business might turn out to be is still quite the item for discussion, but 150 years ago […]

The Praxen Defkalion Green Technologies Global Ltd. (PDGT) firm that was and then wasn’t a partner with Andrea Rossi in marketing the E-Cat LENR reactor has announced the permitting of third party evaluations of their product named “Hyperion”.  PDGT had for a time an opportunity to learn what Rossi has accomplished and since is proposing […]
