Things in flight do entrance some of us.  So news of a way to enhance the fuel economy is welcome news.  Whether it’s the joy of watching the maneuvers in mid air or simply getting somewhere at lower cost to just cutting the effluent produced – more distance per fuel unit is a good thing. […]

Andrea Rossi, the inventor and energy behind the E-Cat was interviewed by Gary Hendershot and Sterling Allan for the Smart Scarecrow Show last Saturday the 14th of January 2012.  The headline remark was Mr. Rossi has sent prototypes to the Underwriters Laboratories (UL).  As best can be determined, that remark is in the past tense. […]

Brian Wang put up two posts today [(1) + (2)] that link to what should seen as seminal events in the basic view of LENR (low energy nuclear reactions). Time passing as more hard credence evolves into research and the results, will show us which of the various physics are the activities of nature in […]

Brian Wang at notes that Armando de Para posted on  “Rossi ha accettato di effettuare delle prove presso i laboratori NASA, cominciano dopodomani, il 3 settembre”.  Which translates in English to, “Rossi has agreed to carry out tests at the laboratories of NASA, beginning tomorrow, September 3.”  Mr Wang credits Giuliano Bettini at […]
