Nothing is more persuasive than consumer expectations for determining planning and investment.  To help with that Pike Research conducted a web-based survey of 1,051 U.S. consumers in the fall of 2011 using a nationally representative and demographically balanced sample to consumer demand, preferences, and price sensitivity for plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) and electric vehicle charging […]

It’s easy to see the Iranian Mullahs and their allied minions as a world threat.  The country is a significant source of crude oil, has a strategic location over the Strait of Hormuz, seems to be busily building an atomic arsenal with missile delivery systems, supports radical and violent extraterritorial groups and many believe is […]

Battelle with R&D Magazine has its annual Global R&D Funding Forecast out suggesting global research and development (R&D) spending will grow by about 5.2%, to more than $1.4 trillion in 2012. Battelle/R&DMag has it that R&D funding growth will largely be driven by the Asian economies that will see an increase in spending of nearly […]

For nearly a year and two hundred plus posts we’ve looked at the leading edges of the energy and fuels context coming at us.  The leading one for half a century is petroleum and its not going away.  With fusion, man made alternatives, solar and geothermal in an even longer list, the one we need […]

For 84 years chemists have suspected the conservation of angular momentum (CAM) had direct applications in chemistry.  December 22, 2011 saw Michigan State University (MSU) researchers first report that CAM in chemistry is in fact at work and the demonstration offers that scientists can use it to control and predict reactions in general.  This is […]

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