Brillouin Energy has entered into its first international licensing agreement covering three nations.  The firm is involved in on-going negotiations for other potential international partners.  This makes the second Cold Fusion or Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reaction (LANR) and Brillouin’s Controlled Electron Capture Reaction (CECR) idea to attract commercial interest.  The […]

Yesterday Sterling D. Allan of PESN and Frank Acland of E-CatWorld conducted a one and a half hour interview with Andrea Rossi hosted by Gary Hendershot on his SmartScarecrow service regarding developments in the E-Cat technology based on the cold fusion technology called “LENR” for Low Energy Nuclear Reaction. SmartScarecrow has chat room where people […]

U.S. institutional politics, government agencies, and academic science have been caught in denial so strident they’re now shouting “no” while stark raving naked.  The nakedness is because of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions or LENR, or an evolution of the famed cold fusion. The intellectual embarrassment is tattooed to the naysayers forever and disqualifies many people. […]

Brian Wang put up two posts today [(1) + (2)] that link to what should seen as seminal events in the basic view of LENR (low energy nuclear reactions). Time passing as more hard credence evolves into research and the results, will show us which of the various physics are the activities of nature in […]

An announcement is saying that cold fusion is actually a Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) and includes the Rossi E-Cat and the Defkalion device.  Brian Wang, who has been in touch with a leading scientist Brian Ahern, has located the press release for the Flash Summit 2011 due up December 7, 2011 in New York […]

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