Early in the morning 9 days ago experimental physicist Alex Zylstra noticed that a target yielded more energy from a fusion reaction ignition than the lasers poured into it at the Lawrence Livermore National Ignition Facility (NIF). Backing up a bit – the prelude seems to have happened in August of 2021 when the facility […]

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) confirmed they can drop boron powder into a tokamak fusion reactor. The research showed a powder dropper can successfully drop boron powder into high-temperature plasma within tokamaks that have parts made of a heat-resistant material known as tungsten. The scientists wanted to […]

Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research, or KSTAR, scientists have succeeded in sustaining a plasma gas at 100 million kelvin for up to 20 seconds without experiencing significant instabilities. This result is thought to be a significant step forward in the development of a sustainable nuclear fusion reaction. The KSTAR team’s research paper has been published […]

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory researchers demonstrated an explanation of a paradox that could apply to all spherical tokamaks, thought to be cost-effective candidates to model a fusion pilot plant. The paradox startled scientists at the U.S Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) more than a dozen years ago. The more heat they […]

Tokyo Institute of Technology, YNU and QST researchers have an answer to the problems of corrosion in liquid metal fuel breeders within fusion reactors. A high-temperature compatibility of reactor structural materials with the liquid breeder – a lining around the reactor core that absorbs and traps the high energy neutrons produced in the plasma inside […]

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