Oil prices, gasoline prices, diesel prices, jet fuel prices, everything oil based is in a swirl of disinformation,, misinformation and general purposeful ignorance. While lots of press and opinion makers, regular citizens, businesses, politicians and even the post office are making the point that the hardships of a fast increase in oil and its derived […]

The American Petroleum Institute who by their gracious effort to get a cross section of bloggers invited yours truly, to attend the Newsweek, Chevron, Woods Institute and Precourt Institute at Stanford University panel discussion. The disclosure is the API covered the travel and lodging, no big surprise, and I see they get a great deal […]

ElectraTherm has completed the first in place testing of their waste heat to electricity unit at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. The ElectraTherm unit is a waste heat recovery unit that generates electricity. The heat to electricity unit uses temperatures as low as 200 degrees Fahrenheit. The first unit was installed by Gulf Coast […]

This weekend brought an email from a 13 year old. He asked simply why I hadn’t written about “Carbon Credits” and the effect that will have on energy and fuels. In the course of the letter, the matter was raised that he and his classmates see the carbon credit thing as something that will increase […]

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