New Catalyst Converts Electricity to Chemical Fuels
November 30, 2017 | 6 Comments
University of Toronto Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering researchers new catalyst is one step closer to artificial photosynthesis. It is a system that, just like plants, would use renewable energy to convert recycle carbon dioxide (CO2) into stored chemical energy. By both capturing carbon emissions and storing energy from solar or wind power, the […]
New Device Is Both a Supercapacitor and Makes Hydrogen
November 29, 2017 | 6 Comments
UCLA Scientists have developed a 2-in-1 device that uses supercapacitor to store energy and spit hydrogen from water. The device could make hydrogen cars affordable for many more consumers because it produces hydrogen using nickel, iron and cobalt — elements that are much more abundant and less expensive than the platinum and other precious metals […]
A New Way to Get Energy Back From Waste Heat
November 28, 2017 | 3 Comments
Bielefeld University physicists have found a way called spin currents to use the energy electronic devices such as computers generate as heat that mostly goes to waste. They apply the heat to generate magnetic signals known as ‘spin currents’. In the future, these signals could replace some of the electrical current in electronic components. In […]
The Iron Air Battery Gets A New Start
November 23, 2017 | 12 Comments
Forschungszentrum Juelich researchers with American Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists have now successfully observed with nano-scale precision how deposits form at the iron electrode during operation. A deeper understanding of the charging and discharging reactions is viewed as the key for the further development of this type of rechargeable battery to gain market maturity. The […]
Got CFL Bulbs? Might Wait For Better LEDs
November 22, 2017 | 9 Comments
University of Michigan researchers recommend replacing all incandescent and halogen light bulbs in your home now with compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) or LEDs. With LED light bulbs are getting cheaper and more energy efficient every year, does it make sense to replace less-efficient bulbs with the latest light-emitting diodes now, or should you wait for […]