It Was A Brillouin Day

September 7, 2012 | 4 Comments

September 5, 2012 could be a significant day for energy and fuel history.  It was also a very big day for Brillouin Energy with two large news leaks.

First is Brillouin has been granted a patent for their hot-water boiler technology in China.  All by itself, getting a patent in China isn’t a real hard thing.  But it does serve up some problems for other countries.  Brillouin patents had been submitted in countries around the world with Japan “not rejecting” the patent and “some back and forth” on the patent in the European Union, but as with virtually all submissions referencing this new energy technology in North America, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) rejected the application in March of 2012.

The U.S. position is frozen, head in the sand, but with a hand held out, that cold fusion, LENR lattice-assisted nuclear reactions (LANR), or other descriptions of the technology would need to have third party validation from the Department of Energy or NIST.

The economic cost to the U.S. or other country blocking cold fusion is going to be no manufacturing and everything sold will come from – ready?  China.  You can’t lead by rejection. Or make any money.  Think of it as bureaucratic forced outsourcing.  Hundreds of billions of dollars of economic loss will accrue from a government policy.

The other milestone is a Chinese or any other country’s patent in treaty is a huge breakthrough.  Any duplicate technologies released in the United States or other treaty countries would force the USPTO to grant the Brillouin patent, and compel the other company to negotiate with the Brillouin.

The news is also suggesting an Original Equipment Manufacturing or OEM company has contacted Brillouin with interest in licensing the technology.

The Brillouin lab team is currently engineering a new gas-loaded design that will run at much higher temperatures that would increase the power output. The Brillouin Hydrogen Hot Tube (HHT)™ is the core reactor of the new design.

Brillouin Hot Tube Boiler. Click image for the largest view.

That brings us to the second event in the Brillouin day.

It seems Brillouin has negotiated a “second stage” $20 million investment agreement with conditions from Sunrise Securities of New York, NY.

The Sunrise deal (page 14) would purchase 15% of Brillouin post-money with condition one being Brillouin moving ahead with and completing successful testing of its NHB™ at SRI International.  This one looks like an easy one.

The second condition requires Brillouin to conclude preliminary agreement to acquire at least one “stranded asset” conventional fuel sourced small scale (5-10MW) power plant, with existing conventional co-gen equipment, and replacing (retrofitting) the old fuel source with Brillouin’s hot tube NHB™, together with renewal of an operating power purchase or steam heat contract with an industrial facility or utility.

This condition might seem to need a certain subtlety. But certain key expert affiliates of Sunrise, including the former Director of the California Public Utilities Commission’s independent power division have already provided potential acquisition candidates, available for negligible cost, with power contracts already in place.  This one isn’t looking too hard as well.

This roadmap sets up the SRI International agreement to make certain a commercial scale unit will run.  With a power plant deal in hand a full commercial demonstration could come off in full regalia.

When SRI completes a successful development and test, the $20 million Sunrise offer will fund full commercial launch of the merchant power supply retrofit business model.

Or maybe not.  If the power plant demo is as good as expectations, or the higher heat gas-loaded design is much better, the $20 million could up far short.

Brillouin is based on Robert Godes original idea called Quantum Fusion.  Today the firm is fond of the “lattice-assisted nuclear reactions” or LANR way to describe the technology.  However the term works out your humble writer wishes the whole group God’s speed and good luck.  If SRI’s tests work out well, they’ll need all that and much more.

It was certainly a Brillouin day.  It sure starts the weekend with a smile.


4 Comments so far

  1. BFast on September 7, 2012 1:05 PM

    Thanks for keeping LENR in your sights. It will break through the silence. This blog is part of the solution, not part of the problem.

    It is interesting that the US patent office references theDepartment of Energy or NIST. The DOE has already very clearly shown a head in the sand position on LENR. It is also interesting that confirmation by organizations such as: USAF, US Navy, NASA, and MIT all don’t count.

  2. Alain on September 7, 2012 4:50 PM

    add confirmation from ENEA since long, from CEA grenoble since long, from NASA, SRI, DoE, Darpa (hidden as nanotech), Spawar…

    of course some retracted to save their funding, most kept hidden, some got shutdown, but not for any rational reason.

  3. Benjamin Cole on September 7, 2012 7:30 PM

    !* months ago you said some Italians had LENR close to commercialization…and nada since.


  4. Craig Binns on September 14, 2012 11:29 PM


    If you mean Rossi and his e-cat, less than nada has happened. His contraption flunked a test an some investors pulled out. I notice BFast doesnt mention this in his list of “confirmations”!

    All current ctivity centres on conferences, licensees and other commercial stuff, straight out of the well-known Free Energy play book.

    Commercially significant quantities of power? Nothing, of course! And there never will be anything. Any more than Brillouin will ever produce anything except stories about Chinese patents and other irrelevant stuff.

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