Laugh Until It Sinks In
July 27, 2010 | 3 Comments
Occidental Petroleum is running a very clever and funny ad supporting and informing about what petroleum is used for as well as natural gas, gasoline and diesel.
As you’ve seen in the video lots of things will disappear. They even missed important stuff like the concrete foundation of the house, the asphalt roadway and the elastic holding up the boxer shorts. It could have been funnier if you tolerate crudeness with a smile.
But seriously, life as its known in the developed world would stop. No gas for the car, no diesel to bring food into the city, no jet fuel for travel and mail, no natural gas or heating oil for warm homes and California will be dark. 300 million people won’t be supportable.
275 million will be left out of the food chain. Do you think they won’t be looking for answers? Would a gulf oil drilling moratorium get food close enough for meal? The idiocy at high levels of government is astonishing. Foolishness knows no limit in today’s media saturated silly society.
That said, oil coming up way short would have tens of millions looking for how the political elites blew the modern world apart. It might be a very good idea to be, well armed, really. Folks are going to be hungry and angry. At desperate – lives will be lost. Those with – will be attacked by those without.
It might be very self interested (self preserving) to be “pro oil”. For many reasons beyond just jobs, profits, taxes and cheap energy, petroleum is crucial. Start taking it away such that it become too dear the danger would be intense for everyone.
Reading, watching or listening to news or pundits that don’t concern themselves with adequate affordable supplies for everyone is setting up ignorance pointing to risk.
For this writer adequate petroleum supplies is crucial – it will take decades for the alternatives to supplant and replace fossil oil and gas. Moreover, the economy has to be robust enough for the consumers and producers to buy conservation, efficiency and alternative work devices. This is going to take a long time.
Screwing it up along the way is senseless and essentially a betrayal.
Thanks to Occidental. The lighthearted ad just touches, but leaves no scars, suggesting a warning. A real petroleum shortage will leave scars – from the bloody wounds, too.
3 Comments so far
Great site. A lot of useful information here. I’m sending it to some friends!
There is a huge movement to rid the country of oil. California just outlawed natural gas.
Oil production will be outlawed in California in five years. SB 350 declares that all must be electric.
This will result in the need for 15 to 20 new generating plants fired by coal and natural gas.
And by the way how does a country defend itself without oil?
Good! Thank you!