Once in a while you can see really good work in the mass media. Probably the world leader is and remains the Wall Street Journal. Today on the front page is the most succinct and informative piece I’ve seen done to date on the oil supply situation.

Sorry folks, Dow Jones, in their lust for $100 subscriptions, has moved the page to bait and switch with a sample paragraph for bait and the offer as switch.  I have to hope that when Murdock gets control this sort of offensive behavior is stopped.

Its even available on the net without a subscription here: Oil Officials See Limit Looming on Production

I forgive you if you go directly there as “peak oil” is getting more and more in people’s awareness and justifiably so. There isn’t much of anything in Russell Gold and Ann Davis’ work to comment on because it stands for itself. What really shines is the absence of directed views, it’s a clean article that offers the views and opinions of leading oil industry leaders who have been in countless meetings and see the ever evolving forecasts and information of the industry as fast as it can be formed.

The wide range of the article adds to its value. It covers the facts and reasons that give credence to a wide array of thinking on oil’s future. With this one could say that the contemporary primer for oil and gas, for now at least, is capsuled and offers citizens a firm foundation to grasp what is going on and why.

Strongly recommended and encouraged for sharing with others.


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