University of Wisconsin-Madison scientists have come up with a new method for making interspecies yeast hybrids in the lab. The makers of beer, wine, biofuels and other products that depend on yeasts may soon have many more strains of the microorganism to work with. Beer first. About 500 years ago, the accidental natural hybridization of […]

Department of Energy’s BioEnergy Science Center (BESC) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists working with Mascoma LLC have developed a revolutionary strain of yeast that could help significantly accelerate the development of biofuels from nonfood plant matter. The approach could provide a pathway to eventual expansion of biofuels production beyond the current output limited to […]

Massachusetts Institute of Technology scientists have identified a new way to boost yeast tolerance to ethanol by simply altering the composition of the medium in which the yeast are grown. Yeasts are commonly used to remake sugar, corn starch and other plant materials into biofuels such as ethanol, but high concentrations of ethanol can be […]

GreenCarCongress leads the news about Japan’s Kobe University researchers developing a yeast species capable of directly fermenting ethanol from cellulosic materials. Just how the folks at GreenCarCongress manages that without a press release coming out is a mystery and it also leaves us at some mercy for the writer, Mr. Mike Millikin’s own interpretation.  Mr. […]
