An Iowa State University team is now working to develop strategies and controllers that would reenergize power grids dominated by wind power. When electric grids go down, there’s no way to restore them – ‘blackstart’ them – with power from wind turbines. In Iowa, wind turbines now produce 55% of the state’s electricity. It used […]

The now-familiar sight of traditional propeller wind turbines could be replaced in the future with wind farms containing more compact and efficient vertical turbines. New research from Oxford Brookes University has found that the vertical turbine design is far more efficient than traditional turbines in large scale wind farms, and when set in pairs the […]

A joint research team from Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) and North Carolina State University has clarified the fundamental principles for achieving the synchronization of power generator groups in power networks. Synchronization is vital for the stable supply of alternating current electric power. Synchronization of generator groups means the phase angles (timing of the […]

University of Cambridge researchers have devised a new material that mimics the wing structure of owls which could help make wind turbines, computer fans and even planes much quieter. Early wind tunnel tests of the coating have shown a substantial reduction in noise without any noticeable effect on aerodynamics. Because wind turbines are heavily braked […]

News that Google recently bought flying wind turbine manufacturer Makani, whose planes fly between 800 and 1,950 feet, has surged a bit more energy into the airborne wind turbine research effort. The turbine could be ‘flown’ at perhaps as high as 2000 meters in the air, taking advantage of stronger winds and cutting infrastructure costs […]

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