Penn State scientists have designed a new flexible thermoelectric generator that can wrap around pipes and other hot surfaces and convert wasted heat into electricity more efficiently than previously possible. The energy systems that power our lives also produce wasted heat – like heat that radiates off hot water pipes in buildings and exhaust pipes […]

Researchers have found carbon nanotubes woven into thread-like fibers and sewn into fabrics become a thermoelectric generator. The invisibly small carbon nanotubes aligned fibers can turn heat from the sun or other sources into other forms of energy. The Rice University lab of physicist Junichiro Kono led an effort with scientists at Tokyo Metropolitan University […]

Open Image…Save ImageOpen Image (using #TmpD/ia)… Carnegie Institution for Science researchers are reporting pressure improves the ability of thermoelectric materials to turn heat into electricity. The new information could potentially be used to create clean electricity generation. The report comes from a team that includes Carnegie’s Alexander Goncharov and Viktor Struzhkin with the paper published in Nature Materials. Compounds with […]

Ohio State University scientists have figured out how to capture heat and turn it into electricity. The discovery could create more efficient energy generation from heat in things like car exhaust, interplanetary space probes and industrial processes using a thermoelectric generator. The discovery, published last week in the journal Science Advances, could create more efficient […]

A new Washington State University thermoelectric generator device could one day turn the heat generated by a wide array of electronics into a usable fuel source. The device is a multicomponent, multilayered composite material called a van der Waals Schottky diode. It converts heat into electricity up to three times more efficiently than silicon – […]

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