Tiva Sharifi, physicist at Umeå University, Sweden is showing how earth-abundant materials based primarily on carbon, nitrogen and transition metal oxides can be combined into highly efficient energy conversion devices that can be used in fuel cells as well as in electrolysis. Ms. Sharifi defended her (open access) thesis, Efficient Electrocatalysts Based on Nitrogen-Doped Carbon […]

University of New South Wales (UNSW) scientists have developed a highly efficient oxygen-producing catalyzing electrode for splitting water. The electrode has the potential to be scaled up for industrial production of the energy fuel hydrogen. The new technology is based on an inexpensive, specially coated foam material that lets the bubbles of oxygen escape quickly. […]

Chemists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory believe they can now explain how to build the two-atom oxygen (O2) molecule from splitting water.  The O2 forming chemical process is one of the remaining mysteries of photosynthesis that plants use to convert sunlight into usable energy and make the […]

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory are working toward a better understanding of how a large complex of proteins, called Photosystem II, is able to split water molecules into oxygen, electrons and hydrogen ions (protons). Splitting the water for the hydrogen and […]

The Berkley Lab at the University of California Berkley has come up with a new catalyst for splitting water. In fairness to readers, there have been other claims from out there that didn’t seem, well, practical. So they’ve been overlooked.  But this time the sense of the work seems to make some sense. The oxygen […]

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