Your humble writer saw the commodity market news that the administration is releasing 30 millions barrels of crude oil from the strategic reserve.  1st thought . . . Pfft.  The U.S.’s thirty million plus thirty million from others is about 2/3 of a day’s use or production.  It’s below paltry – its two thirds of […]

The financial crisis of 2008 and the high gasoline prices that have haunted consumers since has the Peak Oil debate pressuring enhanced oil recovery. Today there are many countries talking about the long-term impact that the consequences of Peak Oil might have on their economies and world relations. Discussion is addressing how best to reduce […]

Mary Kissel writing in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) looks into what C. Larry Pope, the chief executive of Smithfield Foods, Inc. is saying about the price of food and his effort to paint fuel use of agricultural products as a prime culprit for the increase in meat prices. Before we start, the Wall Street […]

Two articles appeared last week worth some study by everyone.  The first spotted by Geoffrey Stiles is at a Wall Street Journal energy special pull out section. There Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger co-founders of the Breakthrough Institute, a public-policy think tank in Oakland make the case that public policy through government should direct efforts […]

The BP well blowout, fire, explosion and platform collapse, and the ensuing crude oil leak are without doubt the result of human failings.  Underestimating the quality of the reservoir is one reason, perhaps some engineering choices and safety oversights, inadequate equipment, testing that didn’t work out in the real world and all the rest only […]

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