Researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Jilin University in Changchun/China investigated a highly promising anode material for future high-performance batteries. The material is lithium lanthanum titanate with a perovskite crystal structure (LLTO). The researchers can improve the energy density, power density, charging rate, safety, and cycle life of batteries without requiring a decrease […]

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign engineers have developed a solid polymer-based electrolyte that can self-heal after damage. Plus the material can also be recycled without the use of harsh chemicals or high temperatures. The new study, which could help manufacturers produce recyclable, self-healing commercial batteries, is published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. […]

A Purdue University scientists led a multi-institute team of researchers has developed the most comprehensive view yet of lithium-ion battery electrodes. The electrodes are where most damage typically occurs from charging them repeatedly. The researchers say manufacturers could use this information to design batteries for your smartphone or car that are both more reliable and […]

Open Image…Save ImageOpen Image (using #TmpD/ia)… Scientists at Stanford University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Toyota Research Institute have found how to accurately predict the useful lifespan of lithium-ion batteries, used in devices from mobile phones to electric cars. Its an advance that could accelerate battery development and improve manufacturing. If manufacturers of cell-phone batteries could tell which […]

Open Image…Save ImageOpen Image (using #TmpD/ia)… Cornell University scientists’ new research advances the design of solid-state batteries, a technology that is inherently safer and more energy-dense than today’s lithium-ion batteries, which rely on flammable liquid electrolytes for fast transfer of chemical energy stored in molecular bonds to electricity. By starting with liquid electrolytes and then transforming them into solid polymers […]

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