Eric Lerner’s Focus Fusion team let go a little information at on the progress. While not a milestone, for those watching with interest the posting is welcome news. The Lawrenceville plan for the current course is made of eight steps: Get the machine to pinch, i.e. achieve a focusing of the input energy – […]

Eric Lerner’s Lawrenceville Plasma Physics (LLP) is developing a dense plasma focus fusion reactor, to use proton-boron (pB11) fuel. Lerner’s work was initially funded by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and is now investor-funded.  The project is aiming to produce an extremely economical, compact, environmentally safe and essentially inexhaustible source of energy.  The projections can get […]

Thursday October 15, 2008 saw the Lerner fusion device at Lawrenceville Plasma Physics, now named FoFu, startup and run at just under half input power. After seven years of theoretical work and raising money, five months of design, five months of construction and assembly, and a week of testing, Eric Lerner and his team now […]

Sander Olson has interviewed Eric Lerner who is famed for his leadership and innovations that form the Focus Fusion Society. The society is a charitable organization attempting to develop the focus fusion technology ideas and concepts into commercial reactors. Sander Olson is a journalist with a good, and it seems to me, quirky reputation.  But […]

Eric Lerner may well twist a few bands of electric arc and their magnetic fields to wring fusion for a lot of energy output with Focus Fusion. As an admirer of Dr. Bussard I have a “heads up” for fusion alternatives to ITER with its tokamak built out of an old Soviet idea that would […]

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