A University of Reading team of researchers looked back at a model that predicted nuclear power would expand dramatically in order to assess the efficacy of energy policies implemented today. Results published in the journal Risk Analysis showed the team found simulations that inform energy policy had unreliable assumptions built into them and that they need more […]

Open Image…Save ImageOpen Image (using #TmpD/ia)… Open Image…Save ImageOpen Image (using #TmpD/ia)… A new Massachusetts Institute of Technology study shows that placing EV charging stations in strategic ways and setting up systems to initiate charging at delayed times could lessen or eliminate the need for new power plants. This is for the problem that some projections show that widespread adoption of electric vehicles might require […]

Today two of the biggest power grids on the planet are connected by only seven small threads. Those seven threads (technically, they’re back-to-back, high-voltage, direct-current connections) join America’s Eastern and Western interconnections and have 1,320 megawatts of electric-power handling capacity. The seam separating the eastern and western grids runs, roughly, from eastern Montana, down the […]

A new National University of Singapore study reveals that households respond to ambient air pollution by increasing electricity consumption. That in turn increases the pollution and carbon emissions that are co-produced in supplying the electricity. The study, set in Singapore, conducted by Associate Professor Alberto Salvo from the Department of Economics at the National University […]

University of California – Irvine researchers assert that the United States could reliably meet about 80 percent of its electricity demand with solar and wind power generation. The ideas are about immense amounts of money and very likely, deeply understated. According to scientists at the University of California, Irvine; the California Institute of Technology; and […]

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