Open Image…Save ImageOpen Image (using #TmpD/ia)… The next generation of sustainable energy technology might be built from some low-tech materials: rocks and the sun. Using a new approach known as concentrated solar power, heat from the sun is stored then used to dry foods or create electricity. The School of Materials, Energy, Water and Environmental Sciences (MEWES), Nelson Mandela African […]

Open Image…Save ImageOpen Image (using #TmpD/ia)… A new study led by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin’s Bureau of Economic Geology suggests that salt could have a big role to play in the energy transition to lower carbon energy sources. The study described how large underground salt deposits could serve as hydrogen holding tanks, conduct heat to geothermal […]

Université de Genève researchers have studied the seismic activity linked to a geothermal drilling in search of supercritical fluids. The concern is destabilizing the precarious equilibrium at depth with geothermal wells may reactivate the geological layers causing earthquakes. They discovered that the drilling did not cause uncontrolled seismic activity. This drilling under such critical conditions […]

A GFZ GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Helmholtz Centre research team presented a new method for locating potential drilling sites that are covered by water. The new approach combines bathymetry measurements with geochemical profiles. The research offers in part an answer to: Where to drill? This is the basic question in the exploration of underground energy resources, such […]

A team of scientists at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, led by Dr. Sachiko Matsushita, has made great progress in the understanding and development of the new “sensitized thermal cells” (STCs), a kind of battery that can generate electric power at 100° C or less. The team has developed a very stable battery cell that […]

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