A Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory new computer simulation forecasts a surprisingly optimistic heat load for future fusion facilities designed to harvest on Earth the fusion energy that powers the sun and stars to generate electricity. Efforts to duplicate the fusion reactions on Earth that power the sun and stars for unlimited energy must contend with […]

A new University at Buffalo study describes a new technology that provides both radiative cooling and solar heating, all in one system and without using electricity or fuel. It could help impoverished communities, reduce cooling and heating costs, lower CO2 emissions. It’s passive cooling like a shade tree provides. The researchers have been exploring how […]

Open Image…Save ImageOpen Image (using #TmpD/ia)… Nanoengineers at University of California – San Diego have discovered new fundamental insights for developing lithium metal batteries that perform well at ultra-low temperatures. This insight means that the weaker the electrolyte holds on to lithium ions, the better. By using such a weakly binding electrolyte, the researchers developed a lithium metal battery that […]

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a data transfer link that’s slimmer, more energy efficient, and faster than alternatives like USB or fiber optics. The advance could cut energy budgets at data centers and lighten the load for electronics-rich aircraft. The research was presented at this month’s IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference. The lead […]

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