Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory researchers have developed a new material for the battery anode. The material could enable long-range electric vehicles that can drive for hundreds of miles on a single charge, and electric planes called eVTOLs for fast, environmentally friendly commutes. In the pursuit of a rechargeable battery that can power electric vehicles (EVs) […]

Open Image…Save ImageOpen Image (using #TmpD/ia)… Researchers at Texas A&M University have developed an analytical procedure that can be used in spreadsheets to predict the amount of oil and gas that can be recovered from newly drilled wells. Porous rock containing oil and natural gas are buried so deep inside the earth that shale operators rely on complex models of […]

Stanford University researchers have designed a new electrolyte for lithium metal batteries that could increase the driving range of electric cars. The improvement is enough that the press release suggests the new lithium-based electrolyte invented by Stanford University scientists could pave the way for the next generation of battery-powered electric vehicles. In a study published […]

Each year, wind turbines are responsible for the death of uncountable hundreds of thousands of airborne animals such as birds and bats. To find a constructive way out of this ”green-green” dilemma, companies building and running wind turbines might have to work together with environmental experts and conservationists. Yet a lack of trust between them […]

Northwestern University synthetic biologists have developed a new rapid-prototyping system to accelerate the design of biological systems, reducing the time to produce sustainable biomanufacturing products from months to weeks. As global challenges like population growth and energy security intensify, the need for low-cost biofuels and bioproducts – like medicines and materials – produced using sustainable […]

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