A Major Improvement For Making CO2 Into Fuel
July 31, 2014 | 3 Comments
Scientists at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) have synthesized a catalyst that improves their system for converting waste carbon dioxide into syngas. Syngas can be a precursor of gasoline and other energy-rich products with the UIC work bringing the process closer to commercial viability. The team’s study was published in the journal Nature […]
The First Pure Lithium Battery Claim Is Made
July 30, 2014 | 1 Comment
Stanford researchers report that they have taken a big step toward designing a pure lithium anode – an accomplishment that battery designers have been trying to do for decades. The group’s paper has been published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology. Chemical batteries have three basic components: an electrolyte to provide electrons, an anode to discharge […]
Big Gains In Superconductivity
July 29, 2014 | Leave a Comment
Physicists led by Dirk Morr, professor of physics at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), and experimentalists led by Seamus J.C. Davis of Cornell University and Brookhaven National Laboratory have identified the ‘quantum glue’ that underlies a promising type of superconductivity – a crucial step towards the creation of energy superhighways that conduct electricity […]
Purdue University physicists are part of an international group using spinach to study the proteins involved in photosynthesis. Yulia Pushkar, a Purdue assistant professor of physics involved in the research said, “The proteins we study are part of the most efficient system ever built, capable of converting the energy from the sun into chemical energy […]
Cooled Photovoltaic Cells Make More Power and Last Longer
July 23, 2014 | 2 Comments
Shanhui Fan, an electrical engineering professor at Stanford University in California has found a way to let photovoltaic solar cells cool themselves by shepherding away unwanted thermal radiation. By adding a specially patterned layer of silica glass to the surface of ordinary solar cells, a team of researchers may have overcome one of the major […]