The America Invents Act (2011, H,R. 1249), the first patent law reform in 60 years has started its rule making process. Surprised?  There’s a new patent law in the U.S. and it did get done under the radar of much of the economy unlike other revolutions over the past few years. In typical Congressional style […]

In the face of a string of intensely demoralizing federally backed alternative energy projects with Solyndra taking over a half billion dollars alone – solar panels seem to lead the way into a dead end.  Except that China’s solar industry is very much alive and competitive. The technology advances usually start in the U.S.  But […]

The guar bean grown in the northern India state of Rajasthan is now a key element in the chemical cocktail used to frack wells, the technology that has prompted the oil and gas boom sweeping across North America and is set to spur a worldwide boost in oil and gas recovery. The key product is […]

Butamax Advanced Biofuels LLC, the joint venture research effort of British Petroleum and DuPont has set up an “Early Adopters Group” (EAG).  Four more ethanol producers have joined the EAG bringing the total number of ethanol plants that have indicated interest in the company’s biobutanol technology to seven. Butamax CEO Paul Beckwith said in a […]

Last year researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) took a gene that is known to form magnetic nanoparticles in magnetotactic bacteria and expressed it in green algae, where a permanent magnet can be used to separate the transformed algae from a solution. That tasks facing algae production for fuels are: keeping algal production over […]

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