More Fantastic Than Rossi’s E-Cat Out of Cleantech via Al Fin Energy comes a hint of a nuclear fusion company more fantastic than the Rossi E-Cat.  While the E-Cat is already looking at manufacturing facilities, the newest drama comes from Australia. Authors of a fresh Kachan report on new, safer, cleaner nuclear technology interviewed dozens […]

The “Trailer 2011” show in Belgium features an aerodynamic trailer by Mercedes Benz that offers a reduction in wind resistance by up to 18%, with an accompanying decrease in fuel consumption by almost 5%.  In the U.S alone that’s a big part of a million barrels a day of crude oil not used. And it’s […]

Researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI) a DOE Bioenergy Research Center led by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have made an important step in switchgrass production. The team of JBEI researchers, working with researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS), has demonstrated that […]

Those lithium-ion batteries we’ve come to appreciate in cell phones and other small portable electronics don’t last as long as one would like – the full charge shrinks a little with each recharge. Stanford researchers have developed part of a new dream battery with a new electrode that employs crystalline nanoparticles of a copper compound.  […]

This Thanksgiving Holiday follows others without a break; with hardship on some, confidence lost for many and uncertainty for everyone.  We all have good reason to be suspicious.  But: The story for Americans after a year of trials is to take a day for thinking of the positive and spending thoughts on what is good, […]

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