A research team at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL) on the Duke University campus found a Boron-11 and Hydrogen collision yields two high-energy alphas instead of the previously thought one. This news will increase the amount of energy that would be recovered should a fusion reactor develop to exploit the energy release. Duke nuclear […]

The inestimable and influential Jane Van Ryan of the American Petroleum Institute where a running blog is kept with no less than seven authors offered up Monday a third party site called “FracFocus” run by The Ground Water Protection Council and the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission with the information most everyone but an […]

Andrea Rossi might hold the world Internet energy followers in thrall, and justifiably so, out there might be a challenge to the lead for “cold fusion” or LENR (low energy cold fusion). From out of the Ukraine in Eastern Europe comes Professor Boris Bolotov and his engineer Waldemar Mordkovitch with a very different approach to […]

GreenCentre Canada, a green chemistry incubator located at Queen’s University in Kingston Ontario has spun out a new company, called Switchable Solutions.  Switchable Solutions is trying to commercialize a new type of industrial solvent invented by the University’s researchers. This is not your usual chemistry solvent.  Ready?  The new chemical mixes with oil in one […]

Last week saw another flurry of attention about the Rossi Focardi Cold Fusion apparatus with a new demonstration in Italy.  This time the eminent observers came from Sweden’s Skeptics Society (This link is to the English translated page and is a worthwhile read). First, this demonstration was much more forthcoming than the one back in […]

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