Idaho National Laboratory (INL) scientists are working with Babcock and Wilcox Inc., General Atomics, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory to establish standards and procedures for the manufacture of commercial-scale new uranium fuels.  The team has set a new world record with next-generation particle fuel (aka fuel pellets) for use in high temperature gas reactors (HTGRs). […]

Starting from scratch, without trying to improve existing technology MIT’s Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering Peter Hagelstein and graduate student Dennis Wu aimed to find how close realistic technology could come to achieving the theoretical limits for the efficiency of harvesting waste heat energy. Hagelstein says, “There’s a gold mine in waste heat, if you […]

Monday Nov. 16 saw The Electrification Coalition in Washington D.C. to persuade the government to pull the financial levers for an electric car revolution.  The coalition seeks a goal made with 75% of light duty vehicles to be electric powered by 2040.  The group’s forecast is their goal would essentially end imported oil and improve […]

A major potential from algae is they could change the energy source of fuels from the ancient fossil fuels to current account renewable fuels.  That goal has two Kansas State University engineers assessing systematic production methods that could make the costs of algae oil production more reasonable. Algae production presents major obstacles to scaling at […]

Scientists from Duke University with colleagues from Brazil led by Lucas Argueso have analyzed the genome structures of bioethanol-producing microorganisms, uncovering genetic clues that will be critical in developing new technologies needed to implement production on a global scale. Researchers at Stanford University and Brazilian colleagues led by Boris Stambuk and Gavin Sherlock have also […]

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