The press and media miss the citizen’s business with notable regularity.  The one we all should be watching and getting involved with is the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s activity regarding a proposed new rulemaking on the annual fees charged to nuclear reactor licensees.  Already there are the lawyers who are in FAT city due to their […]

Carbonized chicken feather fibers can hold vast amounts of hydrogen according to Richard P. Wool, Ph.D., professor of chemical engineering and director of the Affordable Composites from Renewable Resources program at the University of Delaware in Newark. Chicken feather fibers are mostly made of keratin, a natural protein that forms strong, hollow tubes. When heated, […]

Sander Olson has interviewed Eric Lerner who is famed for his leadership and innovations that form the Focus Fusion Society. The society is a charitable organization attempting to develop the focus fusion technology ideas and concepts into commercial reactors. Sander Olson is a journalist with a good, and it seems to me, quirky reputation.  But […]

The US Naval Research Laboratory and the Center for Applied Energy Research at the University of Kentucky are investigating the hydrogenation of CO2 using a conventional Fischer-Tropsch cobalt catalyst for the production of valuable hydrocarbon materials.  Using a straight dose of CO2 the researchers have managed to use catalysts to convert the gas and water […]

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