A team of researchers at Boston College and Duke University have developed a highly engineered metamaterial capable of absorbing all of the light that strikes, to the point of a scientific standard of perfection. The metamaterial uses geometric surface features to capture the electric and magnetic properties of light in the shorter spectrum share of […]

Lux Research stirred up a lot of coverage over their press release about the energy storage market. It’s a pretty fair read by itself. We don’t pull enough revenue here to buy all the payment barriered things that can be read on the Internet and in truth, little of what the press release offers is […]

The American Petroleum Institute who by their gracious effort to get a cross section of bloggers invited yours truly, to attend the Newsweek, Chevron, Woods Institute and Precourt Institute at Stanford University panel discussion. The disclosure is the API covered the travel and lodging, no big surprise, and I see they get a great deal […]

ElectraTherm has completed the first in place testing of their waste heat to electricity unit at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. The ElectraTherm unit is a waste heat recovery unit that generates electricity. The heat to electricity unit uses temperatures as low as 200 degrees Fahrenheit. The first unit was installed by Gulf Coast […]

The ratio that matters, carbon to hydrogen, has a new technology for getting free hydrogen to combine with carbon to make fuels. To recap, wood has a carbon to hydrogen (C:H) ratio of 10 to 1 or wood has 10 carbon atoms for each hydrogen atom. Coal boosted the C:H ratio way up to 2 […]

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