Airborne Wind Turbine Development Makes Progress
July 19, 2013 | 5 Comments
News that Google recently bought flying wind turbine manufacturer Makani, whose planes fly between 800 and 1,950 feet, has surged a bit more energy into the airborne wind turbine research effort. The turbine could be ‘flown’ at perhaps as high as 2000 meters in the air, taking advantage of stronger winds and cutting infrastructure costs […]
Sensing the Wind Is Getting Better Results
January 18, 2012 | 1 Comment
Wind speed primarily determines the power generated by a wind turbine. On a wind farm in which the turbines experience the same wind speeds but different “shapes”, most easily seen as turbulence affecting the wind profile, the turbines will produce different amounts of power. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientist Sonia Wharton and colleague Julie Lundquist […]