The Nuclear Energy Institute announced a September telephone survey in a press release suggesting almost two thirds of U.S. adults favor the use of nuclear energy as one of the ways to provide electricity in the United States. This latest survey found that Americans strongly favoring nuclear energy outnumber those strongly opposed by a two-to-one […]

Scientists at Los Alamos National Lab (LANL) using light energy have created a rare molecular uranium nitride (U-N) complex. The constructed molecule contains a discrete terminal “U-N unit”, a situation where just one nitrogen atom is bonded to the one uranium atom. Prior work had the nitrogen atom always been bonded to two or more […]

Al Fin spotted the news story at PhysOrg yesterday that describes a new method to recover the uranium in spent fuel enabling access to the nineteen times of the energy already produced to be used.  The process also deeply concentrates the very nasty actinides the justifiably worry so many folks and even that is back […]

Alf Bjorseth, famed venture investor and Renewable Energy Corporation (REC) founder is behind the nuclear startup Thor Energy.  Thor Energy will conduct a series of tests with Swedish utility Vattenfall to study the feasibility of thorium reactors. The nations of Scandinavia, Norway and Sweden get on pretty well even though Norway managed to split a […]

Email can consume a lot of time.  But some gems pop up, like a simple question from an .edu address that must be from a youthful person with an earnest need to know.  The question seems small, what is the most abundant fuel in the world?  I’m having an Art Linkletter moment, “Kids ask the […]

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