Osaka University researchers have found that thermoelectric power generators lose a great deal of their possible output power because of thermal and electrical contact resistance. Improving this limitation will help society power interconnected technologies of the future. Interconnected healthcare and many other future applications will require internet connectivity between billions of sensors. The devices that […]

Hokkaido University researchers have more than doubled the ability of a material to convert heat into electricity. With progress in development it could help reduce the amount of wasted heat, and thus wasted fossil fuel, in daily activities and industries. The researchers and their colleagues in Japan and Taiwan have improved the ability to transform […]

The intense interest in harvesting energy from heat sources has led to a renewed push to discover materials that can more efficiently convert heat into electricity.  A team of Boston College and MIT researchers report developing a novel nanotech design that boosts the thermoelectric performance of a bulk alloy semiconductor by 30 to 40 percent. […]
