The Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy run the “Energy Star” program to award the labels that lead consumers to think one product is more efficient than another. They set standards, lay out the testing procedures and then manufacturers run self-done tests and sell based on their results. There isn’t any third party […]

It’s said by governments and the media followers the main reason that energy prices, gas prices and oil prices are high is the markets fault. While that’s inaccurate, its consumption and of late, speculation that drives prices in part as well, government has a continuous role that is detrimental to the market and the prices […]

Stupid is as stupid does. Last week saw some states attorneys’ generals file suit to compel the EPA to regulate CO2. So . . . a judge is going to decide that, what one responsible or credible person could say what might be the CO2 policy – but can not for lack of any reasonable […]

The American Petroleum Institute who by their gracious effort to get a cross section of bloggers invited yours truly, to attend the Newsweek, Chevron, Woods Institute and Precourt Institute at Stanford University panel discussion. The disclosure is the API covered the travel and lodging, no big surprise, and I see they get a great deal […]

I was honored to be asked to participate in a conference call with Peter Robertson of Chevron Tuesday afternoon. This is the link to read the text of it. This is the link to the recording of the conversation. (May 20, 2008 API Blogger Conference Call. Also, the audio will download but may not play […]

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