University of Michigan researchers can show how solar-powered synthesis gas could recycle carbon dioxide into fuels and useful chemicals. Zetian Mi, professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Michigan (U-M) who led an international team of researchers said, “If we can generate syngas from carbon dioxide utilizing only solar energy, we […]

Rice University engineers have created a light-powered nanoparticle that makes syngas from CO2 and methane. The particle, tiny spheres of copper dotted with single atoms of ruthenium, is the key component in a green process for making syngas, or synthesis gas, a valuable chemical feedstock that’s used to make fuels, fertilizer and many other products. […]

University of Illinois at Chicago researchers have determined how electrocatalysts can convert carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide using water and electricity. The discovery can lead to the development of efficient electrocatalysts for large scale production of synthesis gas – a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Meenesh Singh, assistant professor of chemical engineering and lead […]

Iowa State University (ISU) engineers Song-Charng Kong, left, and Nicholas Creager are studying and refining a new bio-oil gasifier where heat and pressure vaporize bio-oil to produce a combination of (mostly) hydrogen and carbon monoxide that’s called synthesis gas. The new gasifier is a second step in a two-stage pyrolysis process. The ISU team starts […]
