An international team that includes Rutgers University-New Brunswick scientists has developed a new method to make and manipulate a widely studied class of high-temperature superconductors. This technique should pave the way for the creation of unusual forms of superconductivity in previously unattainable materials. The article reporting the new work has been published in Science. When […]

Open Image…Save ImageOpen Image (using #TmpD/ia)… In 2021 Antia Botana, professor of physics at Arizona State University experienced the highlight of her early career. Working with experimentalist Julia Mundy at Harvard University, she discovered a new superconducting material – a quintuple-layer nickelate. They reported their findings in Nature Materials in September 2021. The discovery lets researchers explore similarities and differences […]

University of Rochester engineers and physicists have created a material that is superconducting at room temperature. The carbonaceous sulfur hydride exhibited superconductivity at about 58 degrees Fahrenheit and a pressure of about 39 million psi. This is the first time that superconducting material has been observed at room temperatures. Featured as the cover story in […]

The team at the Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry (Mainz, Germany), the University of Chicago (USA), and the Soreq Nuclear Research Center (Yavne, Israel) used a variety of analytical methods to refine the phase diagrams for hydrogen sulfide in the H(3)S form and D(3)S, its deuterium analogue, in relation to pressure and temperature, and to shed […]

A team led by Choong-Shik Yoo with doctoral student Ranga Dias at Washington State University including the Carnegie Institution’s Viktor Struzhkin, Takaki Muramatsu, and Stanislav Sinogeikin and Yasuo Ohishi of the Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute found an unexpected superconductivity in a liquid. The creation of the superconducting liquid is an outgrowth of Dias’ research.  […]
