University of Michigan scientists developed a new kind of solar panel achieving 9% efficiency in converting water into hydrogen and oxygen – mimicking a crucial step in natural photosynthesis. Outdoors, it represents a major leap in the technology, nearly 10 times more efficient than solar water-splitting experiments of its kind. But the biggest benefit is […]

Nagoya Institute of Technology scientists combined two promising photocatalysts to obtain higher solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiency and durability in a water splitting cell. Both industry and academia have been focusing heavily on hydrogen as a feasible clean alternative fuel. Hydrogen is practically inexhaustible and when reacted to generate energy, only produces water vapor. However, to realize […]

An international team has succeeded in considerably increasing the efficiency for direct solar water splitting. Using a tandem solar cell whose surfaces have been selectively modified, the old record of 12.4 percent that stood for 17 years was overtaken to 14 percent.  The group’s research paper has been published in Nature Communications in front of […]

University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers have combined cheap, oxide-based materials to split water into hydrogen and oxygen gases using solar energy with a solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiency of 1.7 percent, the highest reported for any oxide-based photoelectrode system.  The big deal is the lost cost angle. Generating electricity is not the only way to turn sunlight into […]
