A University of Houston professor is reporting on a new type of solar energy harvesting system called thermophotovoltaics (STPV) that breaks the efficiency record of all existing technologies. And no less important, it clears the way to use solar power 24/7. Photovoltaic cells which convert sunlight directly into energy have made much progress. Yet with […]

A new company, Heliogen, announced it has achieved for the first time commercially very high temperatures from solar energy that could replace the need for fossil fuels in many heavily energy-intensive industries such as steel, cement, and petrochemical production. Heliogen, announced its launch last Tuesday alongside the solar breakthrough that it had concentrated solar energy […]

Researchers at the Cambridge Cavendish Laboratory and Mons have investigated a process in which the initial photonic electronic excitation can split into a pair of half-energy excitations. The phenomenon can happen in certain organic molecules when the quantum mechanical effect of electron spin sets the initial spin ‘singlet’ state to be double the energy of […]
