Open Image…Save ImageOpen Image (using #TmpD/ia)… Technical University of Munich announced their work with an international research team has now made new findings regarding the role of water molecules in catalyzing chemical reactions. Using zeolites that are extremely porous materials, where ten grams can have an internal surface area the size of a soccer field, the cavities make them useful […]

UK’s Lancaster University scientists have invented and patented a new type of computer memory to solve the digital technology “energy crisis”. The device is the realization of the decades long search for a ‘Universal Memory’ to replace the $100 billion market for Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) and flash drives. It promises to transform daily […]

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) chemical engineers have developed a new method used to considerably improve energy-expensive petrochemical processes. The technology can make metal-organic framework membranes reduce energy use in processes such as propylene-propane separation, which accounts for 40% of energy used in the global petrochemical industry. Its a case of same amount of […]

Getting those high efficiency products should be getting more affordable.   According to researchers at Berkeley Lab projections published yesterday, efficiency programs funded by electric and natural gas utility customers will double by 2025 to about $9.5 billion per year.  Rates are sure to be going up, so catching the improvement grants is going to be […]
