The coming year has some momentum from 2011 in fields that have high potential.  Cold Fusion, better called LENR or Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, fuel cells and small fusion all have prospects that may well give us peak lab results and even some market exposure. The most interesting and controversial is LENR, the better description […]

Brian Wang put up two posts today [(1) + (2)] that link to what should seen as seminal events in the basic view of LENR (low energy nuclear reactions). Time passing as more hard credence evolves into research and the results, will show us which of the various physics are the activities of nature in […]

More Fantastic Than Rossi’s E-Cat Out of Cleantech via Al Fin Energy comes a hint of a nuclear fusion company more fantastic than the Rossi E-Cat.  While the E-Cat is already looking at manufacturing facilities, the newest drama comes from Australia. Authors of a fresh Kachan report on new, safer, cleaner nuclear technology interviewed dozens […]

An announcement is saying that cold fusion is actually a Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) and includes the Rossi E-Cat and the Defkalion device.  Brian Wang, who has been in touch with a leading scientist Brian Ahern, has located the press release for the Flash Summit 2011 due up December 7, 2011 in New York […]

The past few days have seen the Rossi E-Cat reported in both news and blogs, with still no definitive answer if the device actually works.  The process of introducing the device to the market is stirring up lots of controversy. So, how does one decide if the device is for real or not?  Go to […]

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