University of Southern California researchers are asking what if surplus renewable energy could be stored as computation instead? Renewable energy has an intermittency problem – the sun provides no power at night, while winds can stop suddenly. Better battery storage is considered key to solving the intermittency problem by storing energy when the wind and […]

Efforts to shift away from fossil fuels and replace oil and coal with renewable energy sources can help reduce carbon emissions but do so at the expense of increased inequality, according to a new Portland State University study. Portland State University’s Julius McGee, assistant professor of sociology in PSU’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, […]

Stanford University researchers now propose three separate ways to avoid blackouts if an economy transitions all its energy to electricity or direct heat and provides the energy with 100 percent wind, water and sunlight. It a relief to know someone is thinking about reducing the risks of renewables to an economy. Renewable energy solutions are […]

Mark Jacobson, a Stanford professor of civil and environmental engineering, and his colleague, Mark Delucchi of the University of California, Berkeley, have produced a series of plans, based on huge amounts of data churned through computer models, showing how each state in America could shift from fossil fuel to entirely renewable energy. With such a […]

University of Minnesota (UM) researchers found that vehicles using electricity from renewable energy could reduce the deaths due to air pollution by 70 percent. The study isn’t exactly simple. The findings come from a new life cycle analysis of conventional and alternative vehicles and their air pollution-related public health impacts. From another view the study […]

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