Technical University of Denmark researchers have found a new method to induce the piezoelectric effect in materials that are otherwise not piezoelectric. It can pave the way for new uses and more environmentally friendly materials. Piezoelectricity is used everywhere: Watches, cars, alarms, headphones, pickups for instruments, electric lighters and gas burners. One of the most […]

Tel-Aviv University researchers have developed an innovative material that is eco-friendly, completely biological and non-toxic, and causes no harm to the body’s tissues. The material is as strong as titanium and extremely flexible. The new development will allow for the charging of pacemakers using only the heartbeat, eliminating the need for batteries. The new material […]

University of Bath scientists have discovered a way to generate electricity from nylon – the stretchy fabric used widely in sportswear and other shape-hugging apparel – raising hopes that our clothes will become an important source of energy. The scientists have found a way to produce nylon fibers that are smart enough to produce electricity […]

Researchers in India at Jadavpur University in Koltata explored and found a way to recycle fish byproducts into an energy harvester for self-powered electronics. The basic premise behind the researchers’ work is simple: Fish scales contain collagen fibers that possess a piezoelectric property, which means that an electric charge is generated in response to applying […]
