Open Image…Save ImageOpen Image (using #TmpD/ia)… University of Waterloo engineers have created a new material that converts the simple mechanical vibrations all around us into electricity. The applications run from sensors in everything from pacemakers to spacecraft. The first of its kind and the product of a decade of work in the piezoelectric effect by researchers at the University of […]
A Modified Piezoelectric Effect Generates More Power
March 20, 2014 | Leave a Comment
Georgia Tech scientists working on a miniature generator based on an electrical energy generating phenomenon called the piezoelectric effect produced more power than expected – with a new idea called the triboelectric effect. That makes imagining powering your cell phone by simply walking around your office or rubbing it with the palm of your hand […]
An Engineered Virus Makes Electricity
May 15, 2012 | 2 Comments
Scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have developed harmless viruses that convert mechanical energy into electricity using the piezoelectric effect, creating a new way to generate electric power. The milestone could lead to tiny devices that harvest electrical energy from the vibrations of everyday tasks, something that could […]
Piezoelectric Power Grows Ten Times
September 27, 2011 | Leave a Comment
The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has discovered a new material that has 10 times the piezoelectric effect of crystals and ceramics making it suitable for perhaps hundreds of everyday uses. A 10-fold increase is going to have impact. ORNL’s Volker Urban and colleagues at Technical University Aachen in Germany noticed the reverse piezoelectric effect […]