Most, some 97% of patents, do not generate royalty payments to inventors. That may come as quite a surprise to the average American who may still think that an invention could be a path to wealth and prosperity. It will also serve to explain to so many readers who wonder what happened to the great […]

The following is a Guest Post by David J French, an Ottawa patent attorney with 35 years experience practicing before the Canadian and United States Patent Offices. I have written this posting for NewEnergyandFuel in response to Mr. Westenhaus’ post July 24th entitled, US Patent Office Starts Regulations From New Patent Law.  Here is my […]

A New Kind of Patent

August 13, 2010 | 1 Comment

This writer was asked in an email a couple days ago about what the non-committed, seemingly idealism free, and generally pro commerce view is here about incentives for energy and fuel production. It is an arena fraught with special interests of every stripe including the environment itself to the consumers ranging from wealthy to dirt […]

A new paper from North Carolina State University’s Dr. Stephen Schanz offers a “how-to” guide on intellectual property protection, laying out the options for budding entrepreneurs as they consider how to move forward.  The question at any stage of building out one’s idea is how should a person protect those ideas?  Schanz is offering a […]
