Masatami Takimoto, Executive Vice President of Toyota gave a presentation at the Toyota Environmental Forum held in Japan that outlines the company’s strategy for meeting the needs for as they put it, “a sustainable mobility society.” That might be music to rural, suburban and others who need to cover miles for life to go on […]

The flip side to food vs. fuel is that the corn crop may come up short enough to drive ethanol in part off the market for gasoline addition. Estimates are putting the price increase at 15% or nearly 60 cents per gallon. At 10% in E-10 mixes that could be high but even at a […]

Oil prices, gasoline prices, diesel prices, jet fuel prices, everything oil based is in a swirl of disinformation,, misinformation and general purposeful ignorance. While lots of press and opinion makers, regular citizens, businesses, politicians and even the post office are making the point that the hardships of a fast increase in oil and its derived […]

The American Petroleum Institute had me out for a tour of the premier oil refinery in the U.S. Located out or up in Billings Montana, depending on where you are, this refinery is in a truly beautiful and picturesque location smack in the middle of a mid sized city. It’s an easy walk from the […]

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