For the fields of energy and fuels it has been a very good year. The current mainstay of energy, oil and gas, has been quite good for consumers this past year. The U.S. oil and gas industry has shown how impressive, even in the midst of prices actually a bit too low, that enterprise, research, […]

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) has developed a new geothermal stimulation fluid that could make geothermal power production more environmentally friendly and less costly where conventional geothermal doesn’t work. PNNL recently started a now funded study to examine a similar fluid for unconventional oil and gas recovery. The oil and gas extraction fluid being considered […]

Seven years in for this energy and fuel webblog lends a certain appreciation for what has happened. Looking back to 2007 can be instructive on our progress. Out in front, to no particular surprise, is the oil and gas industry. Especially the free world’s private energy companies. Back in ’07, “Oil and gas looked to […]

Geoffrey Styles, Managing Director of GSW Strategy Group, and the writer of has came upon more information about the effort to look even deeper for hydrocarbons like natural gas and oil. A leader in a still quiet, but well funded and ambitious project is Jesse Ausubel of Rockefeller University (Of fame from his theory […]

Considering the state of the economy a little divine intervention might be worthwhile.  In view of the trends in politics a little divine intervention might be worthwhile, too.  Believer or not, a little introspection can’t hurt.  A driver or an idea to light off something big for the economy doesn’t seem to be out there […]
