Kyushu University researchers have developed a new hydrogen energy carrier material capable storing hydrogen energy efficiently and potentially more cheaply. Each molecule can store one electron from hydrogen at room temperature, store it for up to three months, and can be its own catalyst to extract said electron. Moreover, as the compound is made primarily […]

University of Delaware researchers are reporting a breakthrough that promises to bring down the cost of hydrogen fuel cells by replacing expensive platinum catalysts with cheaper ones made from metals like nickel. The transport sector – which includes passenger cars, trucks, buses, and rail, marine, and air transport – accounts for more than 20% of […]

Andrea Rossi, the inventor and organizer of the E-Cat LENR or cold Fusion thermal energy production device has a new problem.  It looks like another tempest of vague grounds. Steven Krivit, the sometimes to some folks notorious writer of heavily biased opinion on cold fusion and once in a while other energy fields broke out […]

Friday and Saturday, January 14th and 15th of 2011 seem to be a threshold for energy production.  Sergio Focardi and Andrea Rossi at the University of Bologna demonstrated and conducted a news conference about their “cold fusion”, or Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) or as they suggest it be called, a “catalyst reaction” energy uprating […]
