Lancaster University physicists are developing methods of creating renewable fuel from water using quantum technology. Fundamental problems remain before this can be adopted commercially due to inefficiency, but a new study demonstrates that the novel use of nanostructures could increase the maximum photovoltage generated in a photoelectrochemical cell, increasing the productivity of splitting water molecules. […]

Aalto University researchers have obtained the record-breaking efficiency of 22.1 percent efficiency on nanostructured black silicon solar cells. This critical almost 4 percent absolute increase to their previous record was achieved by applying a thin passivating film on the nanostructures and by integrating all metal contacts on the back side of the cell. Most folks […]

University of Maryland researchers have found extremely small batteries built inside nanopores show that properly scaled structures can use the full theoretical capacity of the charge storage material. Is looks like the case is being made that anode cathode and battery shape and dimensions are ripe for further development. The results and lab sample batteries […]

Researchers at Marie Curie-Skłodowska University, in Lublin, Poland have demonstrated the importance of thermoelectric effects in nanostructures. For about 200 years physicists have sought the efficient turning of heat into electricity in the field called thermoelectrics. Scientists have long known that in conducting materials the flow of energy in the form of heat is also […]

Researchers at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne have managed to accurately characterize the iron oxide nanostructures to be used in producing hydrogen at the “lowest known possible cost”. The news could make is possible to achieve the idea of water and some nano-structured iron oxide is all it takes to produce bubbles of solar […]
